subject: Georges Comtesse subject: Heinrich von Kleist subject: Henry Miller
Charles Joseph Stivale , Daniel W Smith , Gilles Deleuze
Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The fifth lecture was presented 13 January 1976 (date approximate).
20th Century French Philosophy A Thousand Plateaus becoming-animal becoming-masochist black hole Chetien de Troyes courtly love Deleuze Recordings Deleuze Seminars Félix Guattari Franz Kafka Georges Comtesse Gilles Deleuze Heinrich von Kleist Henry Miller Philosophy rhizomatic method Samuel Beckett territorialized semiotic components the chivalric novel the Negus white wall
Charles Joseph Stivale , Daniel W Smith , Gilles Deleuze
Seminar of 10 sessions, given by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, Vincennes University, filmed for RAI-3 television by Marielle Burkhalter. The first lecture was presented on 18 November 1975 (date approximate).
20th Century French Philosophy Border effect courtly love Deleuze Recordings Deleuze Seminars Émile Benveniste Eric Alliez faciality Félix Guattari Franz Kafka Georges Comtesse Gilles Deleuze H.P. Lovecraft Heinrich von Kleist Henry Miller Herman Melville Marcel Proust Marielle Burkhalter multiplicities Philosophy RAI-3 rhizome Samuel Beckett Semiotics Subjectivity territorialization the close-up the despotic face The Diagram the passional face the refrain Virginia Woolf
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