Darrell Schulze1,
Nicole Kong1,
Shirley Li1
Purdue University
Soil Explorer is an interactive mapping tool built on publicly available soil data from a variety of sources. Viewers can zoom in on a number of states and global regions, and explore data on soil moisture, temperature, drainage and many other facets. The Soil Explorer website, mobile apps, and content were developed by the Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences Network (lsee Network), a multi-state collaboration of university and USDA researchers, educators, and specialists.
Researchers should cite this dataset as follows:
Schulze, D., Kong, N., Li, S. (2021). Soil Explorer. Purdue Unversity Research Repository. 10.4231/ACC5-MB58
This dataset is freely accessible. It is located online at https://soilexplorer.net. This dataset is accessible online through interactive mapping tools. The raw data is not intended for download due to its large size.
DOI: 10.4231/ACC5-MB58
Published date: 03/04/2021