Challenge Data Set for the Damage Mechanics Challenge

Liyang Jiang1

Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte1

Antonio Bobet1

Hongkyu Yoon1

Joseph Morris1

This data set includes load-displacement data, X-ray tomographic images, Digital Image Correlation data and surface roughness data for the Challenge geometry. The experimental methods are the same as those described for the Calibration data set (see: Jiang, L., Yoon, H., Pyrak-Nolte, L. J., Bobet, A., Morris, J. (2021). Calibration Data Set for Damage Mechanics Challenge on Brittle-Ductile Material. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/QF39-Q924 ).

Cite this dataset

Researchers should cite this dataset as follows:

Jiang, L., Pyrak-Nolte, L., Bobet, A., Yoon, H., Morris, J.  (2023). Challenge Data Set for the Damage Mechanics Challenge. Purdue Unversity Research Repository. 10.4231/ZX5A-QJ30

Fractures brittle fracture 3D Xray Tomographic Images of Fractures Digital Image Correlation during Fracturing Fracture Geometry Fracture Mechanics Geomechanics phase field method discrete element method
Data Availability Statement

This dataset is freely accessible. It is located online at The data can be accessed and downloaded via Globus. For more detailed instructions on how to access and transfer the dataset, see article. While this article is specific to transfer of data to PURR, it can be followed for any other end point.


DOI: 10.4231/ZX5A-QJ30

Published date: 04/11/2023