
creator: Drake W. Krohn

Total is 24 Results
Sidewalk Construction 116th Street and US 31


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Drake W. Krohn , Wayne A. Bunnell


This video documents the construction of sidewalk construction at the intersection of US 31 and 116th Street in Carmel, Indiana.

116th Street sidewalk Civil Engineering sidewalk construction sidewalk time-lapse

Sagamore Parkway Bridge Pier No. 2 Pile Driving, December 2016


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Drake W. Krohn , Wayne A. Bunnell


This video documents the placement of piles for the footing of Pier No. 2 for the replacement Sagamore Parkway bridge for eastbound traffic.

bridge replacement Civil Engineering construction time-lapse pile driving Sagamore Parkway bridge

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Results 1 - 10 of 24