
subject: Drosophila creator: Hana Hall creator: Vikki Weake, 0000-0002-5933-9952

Total is 10 Results
Proper splicing contributes to visual function in the aging Drosophila eye - Supporting data for Stegeman et al. (2018)


Hana Hall , Henry Chang , Rachel Stegeman ORCID logo , Spencer Escobedo , Vikki Weake ORCID logo


Supporting data and protocols for for Stegeman et al. (2018). Proper splicing contributes to visual function in the aging Drosophila eye. Aging Cell.

Aging Biochemistry Drosophila Eye Gene Expression Profiling Splicing Transcriptome Vision

Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration - Supporting data for Fig 4 from Chen et al. (2017)


Donald Ready , Hana Hall , Jeffrey Simpson ORCID logo , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


Supporting confocal and electron microscopy images for Fig 4 from Chen et al. (2017). "Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration"

Biochemistry Drosophila Lipid Peroxidation Phototoxicity Retinal Degeneration

Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration - Supporting data for Fig 1 from Chen et al. (2017)


Donald Ready , Hana Hall , Jeffrey Simpson ORCID logo , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


Supporting microscopy images for Fig 1 from Chen et al. (2017). "Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration"

Biochemistry Drosophila Lipid Peroxidation Phototoxicity Retinal Degeneration

Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration - Supporting data for Fig 2 and Fig 5 from Chen et al. (2017)


Donald Ready , Hana Hall , Jeffrey Simpson ORCID logo , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


Supporting confocal microscopy images for Fig 2 and Fig 5 from Chen et al. (2017). "Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration"

Biochemistry Drosophila Lipid Peroxidation Phototoxicity Retinal Degeneration

Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration - Supporting data for Fig 3 (part 2) from Chen et al. (2017)


Donald Ready , Hana Hall , Jeffrey Simpson ORCID logo , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


Supporting electron microscopy images for Fig 3 (part 2) from Chen et al. (2017). "Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration"

Biochemistry Drosophila Lipid Peroxidation Phototoxicity Retinal Degeneration

Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration - Supporting data for Fig 3 (part 1) from Chen et al. (2017)


Donald Ready , Hana Hall , Jeffrey Simpson ORCID logo , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


Supporting electron microscopy images for Fig 3 (part 1) from Chen et al. (2017). "Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration"

Biochemistry Drosophila Lipid Peroxidation Phototoxicity Retinal Degeneration

Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration - Supporting data for Fig 6 from Chen et al. (2017)


Donald Ready , Hana Hall , Jeffrey Simpson ORCID logo , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


Supporting confocal microscopy images and ROS assays for Fig 6 from Chen et al. (2017). "Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration"

Biochemistry Drosophila Lipid Peroxidation Phototoxicity Retinal Degeneration

Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration - Supporting data for supplemental Figures from Chen et al. (2017)


Donald Ready , Hana Hall , Jeffrey Simpson ORCID logo , Vikki Weake ORCID logo , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


Supporting data for supplemental Figures Fig. S1 - Fig. S6 from Chen et al. (2017). "Cytochrome b5 protects photoreceptors from light stress-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration"

Biochemistry Drosophila Lipid Peroxidation Phototoxicity Retinal Degeneration

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