subject: Forestry and Natural Resources subject: amphibians creator: Jason T. Hoverman, 0000-0002-4002-2728
Jason T. Hoverman
Logan Scott Billet
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Pesticide tolerance induced by a generalized stress response in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica)" by LS Billet and JT Hoverman published in the journal Ecotoxicology.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor amphibians carbaryl Forestry and Natural Resources frogs Generalized stress response glucocorticoids Inducible tolerance
Jason T. Hoverman
Logan Scott Billet
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Timing and order of exposure to two echinostome species affect patterns of infection in larval amphibians" by Billet et al. published in the journal Parasitology in 2020:...
amphibians Echinostomatidae Forestry and Natural Resources metacercariae Priority effects
Elizabeth B Allmon
Jason Conder
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda Lee
Maria S. SepĂșlveda
Robert W Flynn
Tyler D Hoskins
Youn Choi
Zacharias Pandelides
This dataset includes data from several studies used to develop PFAS toxicity reference values for amphibians.
amphibians ecotoxicity Forestry and Natural Resources PFAS PFHxS PFOA PFOS
Gary Hoover
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda Lee
Maria Sepulveda
Michael Iacchetta
Samuel Guffey
Weiming Li
Wes Flynn
This experiment examined the effects of PFAS on growth and development in American toads, eastern tiger salamanders and northern leopard frogs.
amphibians Forestry and Natural Resources frogs PFAS PFOA PFOS salamanders toads
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