subject: Forestry and Natural Resources creator: Jason T. Hoverman, 0000-0002-4002-2728
Jason T. Hoverman , Jessica Hua , Vanessa Wuerthner
These data correspond to a paper entitled "The benefits of coinfection: Trematodes alter disease outcomes associated with virus infection" by Wuerthner, Hua, and Hoverman published in the Journal of Animal Ecology
Anuran echinostomes Forestry and Natural Resources Frog Virus 3 helminth host-parasite interactions Ranavirus trematode
Christian Krupke , Jason T. Hoverman , Jesse Miles , Jessica Hua , Maria S Sepulveda
Study examining the effects of neonicotinoids on aquatic communities
ecotoxicology Forestry and Natural Resources freshwater lentic lotic macroinvertebrate pesticide Predator-Prey Interaction
Gary Hoover , Jason T. Hoverman , Linda Lee , Maria Sepulveda , Michael Iacchetta , Samuel Guffey , Weiming Li , Wes Flynn
This experiment examined the effects of PFAS on growth and development in American toads, eastern tiger salamanders and northern leopard frogs.
amphibians Forestry and Natural Resources frogs PFAS PFOA PFOS salamanders toads
Elizabeth B Allmon , Jason T. Hoverman , Linda S. Lee , Maria S. Sepúlveda , Tyler D. Hoskins , Wes Flynn , Youn jJong Choi
Leopard frog tadpoles exposed to either 0.5 ppb or 1 ppb of either PFOS or PFHxS or a mixture of 0.5 ppb PFOS and 0.5 ppb PFHxS throughout metamorphosis. Responses measured included survival, mass, SVL, SMI, PFAS body burdens, and BCFs.
Amphibian ecotoxicology Forestry and Natural Resources PFAS PFHxS PFOS
Jason T. Hoverman , Logan Scott Billet
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Temperature affects the toxicity of pesticides to cercariae of the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis" by LS Billet, A Belskis, and JT Hoverman published in the journal Aquatic Toxicology.
Echinostomatidae ecotoxicology Forestry and Natural Resources fungicide herbicide Insecticides Parasite survival analysis
Ann Christine Caitlin , Chloe DePerre , Grace Coogan , Jason T. Hoverman , Linda S. Lee , Mahsa Modiri , Maria S. Sepúlveda , Tyler D Hoskins , Wes Flynn , Youn Jeong Choi
We exposed Northern leopard frogs to mixtures of PFAS reflective of AFFF sites and found stage specific effects, including reduced body condition at day 21 and decreased mass relative to the control.
Amphibian Forestry and Natural Resources frogs growth PFAS PFOA PFOS
Elizabeth B Allmon , Jason Conder , Jason T. Hoverman , Linda Lee , Maria S. Sepúlveda , Robert W Flynn , Tyler D Hoskins , Youn Choi , Zacharias Pandelides
This dataset includes data from several studies used to develop PFAS toxicity reference values for amphibians.
amphibians ecotoxicity Forestry and Natural Resources PFAS PFHxS PFOA PFOS
Jason T. Hoverman , Turner DeBlieux
These data and code correspond to a paper entitled "Pathogens and predators: examining the separate and combined effects of natural enemies on community structure" by DeBlieux and Hoverman.
community composition community ecology Disease Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources healthy herds parasite-induced vulnerability predator ecology risk reduction
Jason T. Hoverman , Logan Scott Billet
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Pesticide tolerance induced by a generalized stress response in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica)" by LS Billet and JT Hoverman published in the journal Ecotoxicology.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor amphibians carbaryl Forestry and Natural Resources frogs Generalized stress response glucocorticoids Inducible tolerance
Jason T. Hoverman , Sophia Brown , Wes Flynn
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Perfluoroalkyl substances increase susceptibility of northern leopard frog tadpoles to trematode infection" by Brown et al. published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry.
Amphibian contaminants of emerging concern Disease Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources Parasite perfluoroalkyl substances wetlands
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