subject: Agronomy creator: Jeffrey J. Volenec, 0000-0002-5455-6157
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Sylvie M. Brouder
Grain and stover yield and composition were determined for maize grown in soil previously fertilized annually for 8 years with potassium (K, 0 to 400 kg K/ha) and phosphorus (P, 0 to 75 kg P/ha) resulting in large differences in soil test P and K.
Agronomy Biomass Corn Grain Yield Indiana Maize Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant Nutrition Potassium Fertilizer Seed Composition Soil Fertility Stover Composition
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Sylvie M. Brouder
Maize was grown in 2006 in plots differing in soil test P and K. Yield and plant composition were determined.
Agronomy Corn Grain Yield Indiana Maize Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant Nutrition Potassium Fertilizer Soil Fertility Stover Composition
Data from several studies on the influence of phosphorus and potassium nutrition on alfalfa. It includes numeric data such as yield, plant mass, plant counts, and tissue concentration of various nutrients
Agronomy Crop Science Forage legumes Nutritive value Soil Fertility Soil Science Winter hardiness Yield components
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Margaret Gitau
Nicole S. De Armond
Pauline Welikhe
Ronald F. Turco
Sylvie M. Brouder
The data included here are for the WQFS tile discharge, DRP concentrations and loads for the Miscanthus x giganteus, continuous maize with residue removal, and switchgrass variety Shawnee treatments only.
Agronomy Dissolved reactive phosphorus P sink soils P source soils Phosphorus loss Tile discharge Water Quality water quality data Water Quality Field Station
B. C. Joern
Jeffrey J. Volenec
K. D. Johnson
S. Lissbrant
Suzanne M Cunningham
Sylvie M. Brouder
W. K. Berg
Data from several studies on the influence of phosphorus and potassium nutrition on alfalfa. It includes numeric data such as yield, plant mass, plant counts, and tissue concentration of various nutrients
Agronomy Crop Science Forage legumes Nutritive value Soil Fertility Soil Science Winter hardiness Yield components
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Nicole S. De Armond
Ronald F. Turco
Sylvie M. Brouder
The data included here are for the WQFS maize grain yields only; see companion publications for other data including yields of rotation crops, maize stover biomass, nitrate loss in drainage water and other environmental impact data.
Agronomy Continuous Corn Corn Soybean Rotation Crop Science Grain Yield Nitrogen Fertilizer Soil Science Swine Manure Water Quality Field Station
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Suzanne M. Cunningham
Sylvie M. Brouder
W. Kess Berg
Concentrations of sugar, starch, protein, amino N, and RNA change in alfalfa taproots as plants acclimate for winter and when shoot growth resumes in spring. The direction and extent of these changes are altered by phosphorus and potassium...
Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa Amino Acid growth Medicago Nonstructural carbohydrates Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant persistence Potassium Fertilizer Protein Roots Shoot growth Starch reserves Sugar reserves Winter hardiness Yield components
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