subject: Chemistry subject: Gene Regulation creator: Minou Bina, 0000-0001-6833-8698
Daidong Wang
Elise Novorolsky
Minou Bina
Noorfatin J. Zulkefl
Phillip J. Wyss
Supplementary materials for the publication entitled “Discovery of MLL1 binding units, their localization to CpG Islands, and their potential function in mitotic chromatin.” Bina M, Wyss P, et al. BMC Genomics. 14:927 (2013).
Binding Sites Bioinformatics Cell division Chemistry Chromatin structure Cis-elements Codes in DNA CpG islands Gene bookmarking Gene Regulation Mammalian genomes Mitosis MLL MLL binding sites Mouse genome Regulatory codes TREs Trithorax response elements
Daidong Wang
Minou Bina
Phillip J. Wyss
Xiaohui C. Song
Supplementary materials for the publication entitled “Discovery of MLL1 binding units, their localization to CpG Islands, and their potential function in mitotic chromatin.” Bina M, Wyss P, et al. BMC Genomics. 14:927 (2013)
Binding Sites Cell division Chemistry Chromatin structure Cis-elements Codes in DNA CpG islands Gene bookmarking Gene Regulation Mammalian genomes Mitosis MLL MLL binding sites Mouse genome Regulatory codes TREs Trithorax response elements
Minou Bina
Phillip J. Wyss
Xiaohui Carol Song
Supplementary material for the publication entitled “Discovering candidate imprinted genes and Imprinting Control Regions in the human genome” Bina M. bioRxiv (2019), doi: 10.1101/678151.
Chemistry Codes in Human DNA Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Genomics Germline DMRs Human Genome ICRs MLL ZFP57
Discovering sequences with potential regulatory characteristics
Bioinformatics Chemistry Codes in Human DNA Gene Regulation Genetic Vocabulary Genomics Human Genome Regulatory Signals Sequence Context Transcription factor binding sites
Supplementary material for the article entitled “Discovering sequences with potential regulatory characteristics”. Bina M., Wyss P., et al. Genomics 93:314-22 (2009).
Binding Sites Chemistry Gene Regulation Human Genome TFBSs Transcription Transcription factor binding sites Transcription Factors
Minou Bina
Phillip Wyss
Xiaohui Song
This project provides data for locating the positions of the ZFBS and ZFBS-morph overlaps in the build bosTau8 of the cow genome.
Chemistry Codes in DNA CpG-rich motifs DMRs Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Germline DMRs ICR Imprinting Control Regions KMT2A MLL MLL1 MLL1 Binding Sites MLL1 morphemes ZFP57
Minou Bina
Phillip Wyss
Xiaohui Song
This publication provides a file (in wig.gz format) for displaying the density of ZFBS-Morph overlaps in the build bosTau8 of the cow genome.
Chemistry Codes in DNA DMRs Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Germline DMRs ICRs Imprinting Control Regions KMT2A MLL1 Binding Sites MLL1 morphemes ZFP57
Supplementary material for the publication entitled “Simultaneous discovery of candidate imprinted genes and Imprinting Control Regions in the mouse genome” Bina M., and Wyss P. bioRxiv doi: (2019).
Binding Sites Chemistry DMRs Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Germline DMRs ICRs Imprinting Control Regions Mammalian genomes MLL1 morphemes Mouse genome ZFP57
Minou Bina
Phillip J. Wyss
Xiaohui Carol Song
Locating regulatory DNA elements in the dog genome.
Canines Chemistry Codes in dog DNA CpG-rich motifs DMRs Dog genomics Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Germline DMRs ICRs KMT2A MLL1 Binding Sites MLL1 morphemes ZFP57
Minou Bina
Phillip Wyss
Xiaohui Song
This publication provides a file (in wig.gz format) for examining the density of ZFBS-Morph overlaps at the UCSC genome browser.
Chemistry Codes in DNA DMRs Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Germline DMRs ICRs Imprinting Control Regions KMT2A MLL1 Binding Sites MLL1 morphemes ZFP57
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