creator: Rob Swihart, 0000-0002-4064-1940
Density surface modelling of intraspecific classes using camera-trap-distance-sampling data and hierarchical generalized additive modelling.
abundance deer density surface modelling Forestry and Natural Resources generalized additive model precision recruitment Remote Sensing ungulate
Cassie Hudson
Landon Richard Jones
Patrick A Zollner
Rob Swihart
Scott Johnson
Data and code to run habitat selection by bobcats in south-central Indiana using Random Forest
bobcat Forestry and Natural Resources habitat selection Indiana Lynx rufus Random Forest
Richard Sample
Rob Swihart
Zackary Delisle
Deer group size changes in response to development, concealment, and coyotes
anthropogenic disturbance behavioral ecology fear group formation landscape Odocoileus virginianus predation risk ungulate white-tailed deer
Reactive behavior causes bias in density estimates from camera traps. We test several new and existing methods for reducing bias in density estimates through simulation.
abundance bias camera trap distance sampling population ecology population estimation random encounter model reactive behavior Simulation
Richard Sample
Rob Swihart
Zackary Delisle
Deer group size changes in response to development, concealment, and coyotes
anthropogenic disturbance behavioral ecology fear group formation landscape Odocoileus virginianus predation risk ungulate white-tailed deer
James Andrew DeWoody
Rebecca Lynne Cain
Rob Swihart
Safia Janjua
Zackary Delisle
Estimates of density can inform coyote management in Indiana. We used camera-trap distance sampling and genetic spatial capture-recapture to estimate coyote density in three large regions of Indiana, USA, during the winters of 2019 to 2021.
anthropogenic development camera trap distance sampling fawn mesocarnivore precision
Reactive behavior causes bias in density estimates from camera traps. We test several new and existing methods for reducing bias in density estimates through simulation.
abundance bias camera trap distance sampling population ecology population estimation random encounter model reactive behavior Simulation
Raptor habitat selection in cover-cropped agroecosystems of west-central Indiana and the influence of definitions of availability on habitat models.
American Kestrel Buteo Jamaicensis Cover Crops Falco Sparverius Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Red-tailed Hawk Resource Selection Function Row-crop Agroecosystems RStudio Use-availability
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