subject: Civil Engineering creator: Wayne A. Bunnell
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of sidewalk construction at the intersection of US 31 and 116th Street in Carmel, Indiana.
116th Street sidewalk Civil Engineering sidewalk construction sidewalk time-lapse
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Stephen M. Remias
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of the concrete safety barrier on US 31 near 106th Street in Carmel, Indiana.
Civil Engineering concrete barrier construction concrete safety barrier slip-form safety barrier construction safety barrier time-lapse slip-form construction
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of a concrete truck apron at the intersection of US 31 and 106th Street in Carmel, Indiana.
Civil Engineering roundabout truck apron roundabout truck apron construction truck apron construction truck apron time-lapse
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Stephen M. Remias
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of underdrains on US 31 near State Road 32 in Westfield, Indiana.
Civil Engineering construction time-lapse road underdrain underdrain construction underdrain construction time-lapse
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Jijo K. Mathew
Lucy M. Richardson
Margaret L. McNamara
Michelle M. Mekker
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the evaluation of the MARWIS data sensors as performed by Purdue University’s CE 597 class.
Civil Engineering MARWIS winter road operations winter weather sensors
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Jijo K. Mathew
Lucy M. Richardson
Margaret L. McNamara
Michelle M. Mekker
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the VWIM station infrastructure and how it is being used by the Indiana State Police.
Civil Engineering Field Infrastructure Assessment Indiana State Police virtual weigh-in-motion VWIM Weigh in Motion
Andrew Sydelko
Chris Teague
Darcy M. Bullock
Deborah Horton
Katie Hendryx
Shawn Robertson
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of the new Honors College and Residences building on Purdue’s campus.
Civil Engineering Construction construction time-lapse Honors College Honors College and Residences Honors College Hall Purdue Honors College time-lapse
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Larry Lies
Richard M. Estes
Roger Nawrot
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the reconstruction of the intersection of Bartlett Street and Michigan Street in South Bend, Indiana.
Bartlett Street roundabout Civil Engineering construction time-lapse roundabout roundabout construction South Bend roundabout
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Deborah Horton
Katie R. Hendryx
Michael Witt
Teresa Walker
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the demolition of the Engineering Administration building (ENAD) and the old Heat and Power Plant–North (HPN) building and the construction of the new Wilmeth Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center construction Civil Engineering JTRP time-lapse WALC Wilmeth Active Learning Center
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Stephen M. Remias
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the construction of the northbound bridge approach of US 31 over 191st Street in Westfield, Indiana.
bridge approach concrete bridge approach concrete placement bridge approach construction bridge approach time-lapse Civil Engineering construction time-lapse
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