creator: Youmi Oh, 0000-0002-4685-0567
Hojeong Kang
Jaehyun Lee
Qianlai Zhuang
Youmi Oh
This dataset contains code and model results for the paper 'Soil organic carbon is a key determinant of CH4 sink in global forest soils' by Lee et al. (2023).
Biogeochemistry EAPS global forest soils Methane Dynamics Model (MDM) soil methane oxidation
Bo Elberling
David Medvigy
Edward J. Dlugokencky
Gustaf Hugelius
Licheng Liu
Lisa R. Welp-Smith
Lori Bruhwiler
Ludovica D'Imperio
Maggie C.Y. Lau
Qianlai Zhuang
Tullis C. Onstott
Youmi Oh
This publication contains code and data of a biogeochemistry model, XPTEM-XHAM, for paper "Reduced net methane emissions due to microbial methane oxidation in a warmer Arctic" by Oh et al. accepted in Nature Climate Change.
Arctic Region Biogeochemistry EAPS Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Methane Dynamics Model (MDM) Methane Emission Microbial-Based Model soil
Akane O. Abbasi
Alejandro Salazar
Irfan Rashid
Jeffrey S. Dukes
Jianghanyang Li
Maria del Rosario Uribe
Sabine Reinsch
Youmi Oh
We collected 16 meta-analyses published prior to April 2019 that examined soil responses to manipulated precipitation changes. This is the data of these meta-analyses, including effect sizes, confidence intervals, and sample sizes of 42 soil...
Carbon Cycle Climate Change Forestry and Natural Resources Meta-analysis Nitrogen Phosphorus Cycle Precipitation Change Soil Ecology Soil Emissions
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