creator: Songlin Fei, 0000-0003-2772-0166
Christopher Oswalt
Insu Jo
Jonathon Knott
Kevin Potter
Songlin Fei
Abundance of 86 major forest tree species in the eastern United States measured at two times between 1980 and 2016 by size classes.
Climate Change Forest Inventory Forestry and Natural Resources Tree abundance
A list of major functional traits of 86 major forest trees in the eastern USA. Two types of traits, physiological tolerance and dispersal ability, were included
Eastern Forest Forest Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources Functional Traits Physiological traits
Jeffrey S Dukes
Jonathan Knott
Liang Liang
Robert Swihart
Songlin Fei
The files in this repository contain autumn and spring phenology data from a northern red oak (Quercus rubra) common garden at Martell Forest, West Lafayette, IN.
common garden diameter Forestry and Natural Resources northern red oak oak phenology provenance test Quercus rubra
Bina Thapa
Cameron Wingren
Christopher Ardohain
Songlin Fei
Data associated with invasive species (Callery Pear) identification in the greater New York City metropolitan area.
Convolutional neural network Deep learning Callery pear Negative training data Tree phenology
Adnan Firoze
Akshaj Uppala
Bedrich Benes
Brady Hardiman
Daniel Aliaga
Lindsay Darling
Raymond Yeh
Songlin Fei
We use deep learning to provide a novel solution to map all trees on both public and private lands across 330 United States (U.S.) cities. This repository contains the dataset and code base.
Computer Science Computer Vision Ecology Pattern Recognition urban forestry urban tree
Andrew Liebhold
Frank Krist
Katie A. Grong
Ningning Kong
Randall Morin
Shirley Li
Songlin Fei
Susan Crocker
The dataset includes pest distribution at the county-level. It has 74 species of forest insects and 15 species of forest pathogens.
Ecology Forest Ecology Forest Insects Forestry Forestry and Natural Resources Invasive Pests Invasive Species natural resources
Andrew Liebhold
Kevin Potter
Qinfeng Guo
Songlin Fei
Data presented in this publication include county level pest diversity and native host and non-host diversity and biomass.
Dilution Effect Exotic Pest Facilitation Effect Forest Ecosystem Forestry and Natural Resources Invasion
Andrew M. Liebhold
Samuel F. Ward
Songlin Fei
Spreadsheets and spatial data analyzed in "Spatial patterns of discovery points and invasion hotspots of non-native forest pests"
Forest Insects Forest Pathogens Forestry and Natural Resources Invasion Biology Invasive Species Spatial Ecology
Basil Iannone
Gabriela C Nunez-Mir
Qinfeng Guo
Songlin Fei
The dataset includes 45 functional traits of over 800 nonnative woody plant species in the U.S.
Forestry and Natural Resources Functional Traits Invasive Species
Andrew Liebhold
Christopher Oswalt
Randall Morin
Songlin Fei
Three sets of data are included in this publication: forest inventory data, pest distribution data, and host tree list by pest. In addition, SQL code on how to run analyses with the data sets are also included.
Biomass Carbon Exotic Invasion Forestry and Natural Resources Invasion Invasive Insects Invasive Pests Mortality
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