subject: Civil Engineering date: 2017
Austin Decker
Ayman Habib
Darcy M. Bullock
Deborah Horton
Fangning He
John Mott
Kyle Sheehan
Magdy KI Elbahnasawy
Priyankar Bhattacharjee
Radhika Ravi
Tamer SA Shamseldin
Yun-Jou Lin
UAS images collected on February 11, 2017, adjacent to the Purdue Campus. Additional details are provided in the description below.
Civil Engineering drone evidence photogrammetry UAS vehicle crash
Austin Decker
Ayman Habib
Darcy M. Bullock
Deborah Horton
Fangning He
John Mott
Kyle Sheehan
Magdy Elbahnasawy
Priyankar Bhattacharjee
Radhika Ravi
Tamer Shamseldin
Yun-Jou Lin
UAS images collected on February 11, 2017, adjacent to the Purdue Campus. Additional details are provided in the description below.
Civil Engineering drone evidence photogrammetry UAS vehicle crash
This database summarizes 165 experimental test data on beam-to-column connections for composite special moment frames (C-SMFs).
beam-to-column moment connections CFT Civil Engineering Composite special moment frames concrete-filled tube columns
Darcy M. Bullock
Drake W. Krohn
Jijo K. Mathew
Lucy M. Richardson
Margaret L. McNamara
Michelle M. Mekker
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the evaluation of the MARWIS data sensors as performed by Purdue University’s CE 597 class.
Civil Engineering MARWIS winter road operations winter weather sensors
Chungwook Sim
Robert J. Frosch
The objective of this research program is to evaluate both the structural and corrosion performance of concrete bridge decks reinforced with corrosion-resistant reinforcement.
bridge deck Civil Engineering corrosion-resistant reinforcing bar datacenterhub reinforced concrete stainless steal structural engineering
Derek R. Daluga
Santiago Pujol
Dataset that supplements D.R. Deluga's disertation
aggregate interlock Civil Engineering datacenterhub maximum aggregate size Purdue University reinforced concrete shear strength Size Effect structural engineering
Jeffrey Rautenberg
Santiago Pujol
In this project, the use high-strength bars (having a yield stress exceeding 80 ksi) as longitudinal reinforcement for columns is reconsidered.
Civil Engineering columns cyclic loads high strength reinforcement datacenterhub high strength steel reinforced concrete structural engineering
Matthew Murray
Santiago Pujol
This study examines the influence of beam size on the shear capacity of geometrically scaled reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement.
aggregate interlock Civil Engineering datacenterhub reinforced concrete reinforced concrete large beams scaling effects shear strength Size Effect structural engineering
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew T. Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Michael Witt
Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Wilmeth Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center construction building construction Civil Engineering construction time-lapse ENADALC Purdue University WALC Wilmeth Active Learning Center
Pranjal Pratap Shah , Prateek Pratap Shah , Praveen Pratap Shah
A survey of 21 masonry structures was carried out in Kirtipur, Nepal from June 6, 2016 to August 10, 2016.
adobe Brick Civil Engineering datacenterhub earthquake engineering masonry Mud Nepal stone masonry structural engineering
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