subject: Civil Engineering date: 2017
Aishwarya Y. Puranam
Prateek Pratap Shah
Santiago Pujol
On April 25, 2015, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake occurred in Nepal. It caused more than 8500 casualties and left over 22000 people injured. Another major earthquake of magnitude 7.3 occurred in Nepal on May 12, 2015.
2015 Nepal earthquake building performance Civil Engineering Damaged Steel Beam Bridge datacenterhub earthquake high-rise buildings Kathmandu Nepal reinforced concrete structural engineering
Brian Richter
Santiago Pujol
Three series of tests were conducted on specimens with lap lengths varying from 20 to 85 bar diameters. The results indicate that increasing the length of a lap splice beyond 45 bar diameters was an inefficient way to increase the strength of...
bond bond strength Civil Engineering coupon datacenterhub deformed bar development length lap splice reinforced concrete splice lenght structural concrete structural engineering
Aishwarya Y. Puranam
Santiago Pujol
This dataset consists of tests on one-way slabs and walls to study the minimum amount of high-strength steel reinforcement in concrete elements that were conducted at Bowen Laboratory for Large-Scale Civil Engineering Research in Purdue University.
bar fracture Civil Engineering datacenterhub high strength steel Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio LVDT MMFX Optotrak reinforced concrete reinforcements limits slabs walls
Aishwarya Y. Puranam
Chungwook Sim
Enrique Villalobos
Jhon Paul Smith
Lucas A. Laughery
Pedro Rojas
Santiago Pujol
The earthquake in Ecuador occurred on April 16, 2016 with a moment magnitude of 7.8. It caused more than 660 casualties and over 27,730 people were injured. The survey was performed from July 10 through July 17, 2016 in the cities of Manta,...
2016 Ecuador earthquake Bahia de Carequez building performance Captive columns Chone Civil Engineering Column area Damaged Steel Beam Bridge datacenterhub disaster reconnaissance earthquake earthquake damage Ecuador low-rise manabi manta masonry infill portoviejo priority index reinforced concrete structural engineering total floor area wall area
Aishwarya Puranam
Alana Lund
Ayhan Irfanoglu
Chao-Hsien Li
Chia-Chen Lin
Chiun-Lin Wu
Fu-Pei Hsiao
Lap-Loi Chung
Li-Hui Cheng
Lucas A. Laughery
Mohammad Jahanshahi
Pedram Hesam
Pu-Wen Weng
Rih-Teng Wu
Santiago Pujol
Shyh-Jiann Hwang
Tsung-Chih Chiou
Tung-Chi Tsai
Wen-Cheng Shen
Weng-Kin Lam
Yi-An Li
On February 06, 2016, a magnitude 6.7 earthquake occurred in Meinong, Taiwan. After reconnaissance effort conducted on reinforced concrete structures in and around Tainan City and this database contains result of this survey.
2016 Taiwan earthquake building performance Civil Engineering datacenterhub earthquake earthquake damage high-rise buildings masonry infill Meinong priority index reinforced concrete structural engineering Tainan Taiwan
Darcy M. Bullock
Edward D. Cox
Elsadig Ibrahim
Steven J. Harney
Wayne A. Bunnell
This video documents the emergency reconstruction of a damaged section of Rockville Road in Indianapolis, Indiana.
bridge beam placement bridge construction bridge reconstruction Civil Engineering construction time-lapse Rockville Road Rockville Road accident Rockville Road bridge crash
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew T. Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Michael Witt
Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Wilmeth Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center construction building construction Civil Engineering ENADALC Purdue University WALC Wilmeth Active Learning Center
Lucas A Laughery
Santiago Pujol
This dataset contains data from dynamic tests of four reinforced concrete portal frames. The frames were tested on the unidirectional earthquake simulator at Bowen Laboratory for Large-Scale Civil Engineering Research during the fall of 2015.
Civil Engineering datacenterhub earthquake engineering earthquake simulator high strength steel reinforced concrete shake table test
Alexander M. Hainen
Andrew T. Sydelko
Darcy M. Bullock
David Burford
Michael Witt
Two iconic buildings on the Purdue University campus, the Engineering Administration Building and the retired Heating and Power Plant-North, were targeted for demolition in 2012 to make way for the construction of the Wilmeth Active Learning Center.
Active Learning Center construction building construction Civil Engineering construction time-lapse ENADALC Purdue University WALC Wilmeth Active Learning Center
Ayman Habib
Darcy M. Bullock
Donald E. Hartman
Fangning He
John L. Bullock
Michelle M. Mekker
Ryan J. Edwards
UAS images collected on July 14, 2017, at the Indiana Department of Transportation Crawfordsville District Office. Additional details are provided in the description below.
Civil Engineering drone evidence photogrammetry UAS vehicle crash
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