Simulated dataset with air temperature, precipitation, ET, soil water content (4 layers) and soil temperature (4 layers) at a daily time scale (1980-2012) for ten 4 by 4 km grids across the U.S. Midwest.
Climate Evapotranspiration Forestry and Natural Resources Hydroclimate Land Surface Model LDAS Midwest Precipitation Soil Water Content Temperature
Amber Mase
Cody Knutson
Jean McGuire
Linda S. Prokopy
Lois Morton
Maria Lemos
Melissa J. Widhalm
Michael Dunn
Nick Babin
Sarah Church
Tonya Haigh
Fifty-seven agricultural advisors in 3 Midwestern states were interviewed from Dec 2013-April 2014 about their perceptions of climate-related impacts and risks.
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