subject: Midwest type: dataset date: 2017
Amber Mase
Cody Knutson
Jean McGuire
Linda S. Prokopy
Lois Morton
Maria Lemos
Melissa J. Widhalm
Michael Dunn
Nick Babin
Sarah Church
Tonya Haigh
Fifty-seven agricultural advisors in 3 Midwestern states were interviewed from Dec 2013-April 2014 about their perceptions of climate-related impacts and risks.
Simulated dataset with air temperature, precipitation, ET, soil water content (4 layers) and soil temperature (4 layers) at a daily time scale (1980-2012) for ten 4 by 4 km grids across the U.S. Midwest.
Climate Evapotranspiration Forestry and Natural Resources Hydroclimate Land Surface Model LDAS Midwest Precipitation Soil Water Content Temperature
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