
type: series date: 2017

Total is 4 Results
Drosophila Optical Stimulator


Donald Ready , Taylor Zigon , Vikki Weake , Walter Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


This publication contains the electronic files required to build an optical stimulator for fruit flies. The stimulator uses red and blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and an embedded computer to generate light at different power density levels.

Biomedical Engineering Drosophila Embedded Software Embedded System Engineering Technology Optical Stimulation Python Code

gSSURGO-based Floodplain Maps of the United States


Liuying Du , Nikhil Sangwan , Venkatesh Mohan Merwade ORCID logo


This series provides shapefiles showing the natural floodplain for the United States. These floodplain polygons are extracted from the gSSURGO soil data from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

Environment floodmaps floodplain maps Forestry and Natural Resources Geographic Information Systems (GIS) geosciences GIS gSSURGO soil Data Hydrology inland water

Blue light-induced retinal degeneration in Drosophila melanogaster: Supporting data for Chen et al.


Donald F Ready , Hana Hall , Jeffrey P Simpson ORCID logo , Vikki Marie Weake ORCID logo , Walter Daniel Leon-Salas , Xinping Chen ORCID logo


Cytochrome-b5 protects photoreceptors from blue light-induced lipid peroxidation and retinal degeneration. Supporting data for Chen et al. HardwareX and NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease articles are provided.

Biochemistry Blue Light Drosophila Lipid Peroxidation Optical Stimulator Oxidative Stress Phototoxicity Retinal Degeneration

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