subject: Forestry and Natural Resources date: 2018
Brian James Tornabene
Jason T. Hoverman
These data correspond to a paper entitled "The influence of landscape and environmental factors on ranavirus epidemiology in a California amphibian assemblage" by Tornabene et al. published in Freshwater Biology.
Amphibian Dilution Effect Disease Ecology Emerging Infectious Diseases Forestry and Natural Resources Iridovirus Multimodel Inference Ranavirus Reservoir Species
Ajay Singh
Linda Stalker Prokopy
Summary report and interview transcripts of ag producer perspectives on conservation practices, water quality and climate change in Indiana and Iowa.
Agriculture Climate Change Conservation Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Interviews Iowa Water Quality
Occurrence and co-occurrence frequency of major concepts in ecological research between 1980 and 2016.
Big Literature Content Analysis Ecological concepts Forestry and Natural Resources
Carolyn Foley
Sergiusz Czesny
Tomas Hook
Zachary S Feiner
Raw data for: Feiner, Z.S., C.J. Foley, et al. Species identity matters when interpreting trophic markers in aquatic food webs. PLOS ONE. Diet content, stable isotope, and fatty acid data for individual fishes collected from nearshore Lake Michigan.
Diet Fatty Acid Forestry and Natural Resources Lake Michigan Round Goby Spottail Shiner Stable Isotope Yellow Perch
This publication includes plot level information from USA forests, which has the following variables: Plot ID, Ecoregion, MAT, TAP, Aridity index, Stem density, Stand age, C:N ratio, Richness, and Productivity.
Biodiversity Climate Forest Forestry and Natural Resources Productivity
Basil Iannone
Christopher Oswalt
Insu Jo
Kevin Potter
Qinfeng Guo
Songlin Fei
The data published here are used to investigate the drivers of this heterogeneity in the context of known contributions of native trees to the resistance of forests in the eastern United States of America to plant invasions.
Biodiversity Biotic Resistance Forestry and Natural Resources Invasive Species Phylogenetic Diversity
Jonathan A Knott
Songlin Fei
Aim Forest ecosystems in the United States (US) are facing major challenges such as climate change, exotic invasion, and fragmentation. It is widely believed that forest composition in the eastern US are transitioning from shade-intolerant,...
Fire Tolerance Forest Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources Mesophication Shade Tolerance
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