subject: Entomology type: dataset date: 2018
Ashley Kissick
Esteban Fernandez-Juricic
Jeffrey D Holland
John Dunning
Functional diversity of predators and prey in Ecological Applications 2018. Supplementary material, data, and metadata.
Beetles Ecological Applications Entomology Functional Diversity Functional Traits Habitat Loss Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Predator-Prey Interaction RStudio
Ian Kaplan
Kathryn Ingerslew
Data includes results from a greenhouse study that determined the effect of soil conditioning by 36 plant species on subsequent tomato growth. It also determined the effect on the tomato herbivore, the tobacco hornworm.
Crop Science Entomology Manduca sexta Plant soil feedback Solanum lycopersicum Tobacco hornworm Tomato
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