
subject: Agronomy date: 2019

Total is 21 Results
Busia Land Quality Maps


Darrell Schulze ORCID logo , Joshua Minai


Independent diagnostic criteria reflecting limitations for land use.

Agronomy Busia Area Decision Matrix Kenya Land Evaluation Key Map Unit

Soil Property Data for Spatial Prediction of Soil Properties for the Busia Area, Kenya


Darrell Schulze ORCID logo , Joshua Minai


Soil property data mined from the Reconnaissance Soil Survey of the Busia Area (quarter degree sheet No. 101) for digital soil mapping.

Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Equal Area Quadratic Smoothing Spline Function Kenya R ithir Package RStudio

Busia Digital Soil Mapping


Darrell G Schulze ORCID logo , Joshua O Minai


This study is to bring legacy soil data from the Busia area of Kenya ‘back to life’ using digital soil mapping techniques.

Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Disaggregation Kenya Legacy Soil Data

Maize Response to P and K in 2006. Experiment 1 at Throckmorton Purdue Agricultural Center: Yield, Soil and Tissue P and K, and Seed and Stover Composition


Jeffrey J. Volenec ORCID logo , Sylvie M. Brouder ORCID logo


Grain and stover yield and composition were determined for maize grown in soil previously fertilized annually for 8 years with potassium (K, 0 to 400 kg K/ha) and phosphorus (P, 0 to 75 kg P/ha) resulting in large differences in soil test P and K.

Agronomy Biomass Corn Grain Yield Indiana Maize Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant Nutrition Potassium Fertilizer Seed Composition Soil Fertility Stover Composition

Data for growing season nitrous oxide emissions from a Gray Luvisol as a function of long-term fertilization history and crop rotation


Dick Puurveen , Mekonnen Giweta , Miles Dyck , Sukdhev S. Malhi , Sylvie Quideau


Data from 5 growing seasons (2013–2017) investigating long-term fertilization and crop rotation effects on growing season soil N2O and CO2 emissions, wheat yield and N uptake, N2O emission intensity and soil properties on a Gray Luvisol.

4R Agronomy IPNI Nitrous Oxide Soil Emissions Soil Fertility

Evaluation of nitrogen stabilizers - nitrogen use efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions in Alberta cereal crops


Dick Puurveen , Len Kryzanowski , Miles Dyck , Yuanpei Gao


These data files summarize spring wheat yields and annual soil N2O emissions (non-steady-state chamber measurements) at two sites in Alberta, Canada (Lethbridge and Ellerslie) over 2016 and 2017.

4R Agronomy IPNI Nitrogen Fertilizer Nitrous Oxide Soil Emissions

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