
type: dataset date: 2019

Total is 101 Results
Labeled Raw PPG Signals Measured Using Wearable Sensor-kit


Deena Alabed , Mireille Boutin ORCID logo , Tiberius Wehrly


Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals collected from nine subjects in a still seated position, measured using Asiawill Pulse Heart Rate sensor implemented in an Arduino-based wearable sensor-kit.

Asiawill Pulse Sensor Electrical and Computer Engineering Health Monitoring Device Matlab Photoplethysmogram PPG

A Formal Syntactic Analysis of Complex-Path Motion Predicates in Ghanaian Student Pidgin (GSP)


Kwaku O A Osei-Tutu


This is the accompanying data for a dissertation of the same title which formalizes the encoding of motion predicates in GSP and proposes a unified theory which captures the generalizations in the phenomena and accounts for language-specific...

Agentivity Complex Path Creole Dissertation English Ghanaian Motion Predicates Pidgin Resultative Student Pidgin Syntactic Syntax Telicity

Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region 2018


Gary Nowling , Guohong Cai


This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2018 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.

Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Soybeans USDA-ARS

Functional traits of non-native woody plants in the United States


Basil Iannone , Gabriela C Nunez-Mir , Qinfeng Guo , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


The dataset includes 45 functional traits of over 800 nonnative woody plant species in the U.S.

Forestry and Natural Resources Functional Traits Invasive Species

Simulation Inputs and Results of the Potential Impacts of Emissions Trading Scheme and Biofuel Options to Carbon Emissions of U.S. Airlines


Daniel Delaurentis , Datu Buyung Agusdinata , Hsun Chao ORCID logo


Simulation inputs and results for assessing the environmental impacts of EUETS-type (European Union Emissions Trading Scheme) domestic emission scheme on US commercial aviation with biofuel options.

Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Airline Fleet Allocation Alternative Aviation Jet Fuels Aviation Emissions Emission Trading Scheme

Invasive forest pest distributions and their impacts on forest biomass


Andrew Liebhold , Christopher Oswalt , Randall Morin , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


Three sets of data are included in this publication: forest inventory data, pest distribution data, and host tree list by pest. In addition, SQL code on how to run analyses with the data sets are also included.

Biomass Carbon Exotic Invasion Forestry and Natural Resources Invasion Invasive Insects Invasive Pests Mortality

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Results 31 - 40 of 101