subject: English type: dataset date: 2019
Motion Predicates: Moving Along is an application for linguistic analysis that was designed to elicit linguistic productions about motion predicates.
English Linguistics Motion Predicates Serial Verb Constructions syntactic representation of sub-eventive predicate structure syntax-morphology
This a natural language dataset of Part-of-Speech (POS) tagged building codes. It includes 1,522 sentences of text from Chapters 5 and 10 of 2015 International Building Code. It adopted the Penn Treebank tag set.
Building Codes Building Construction Management Construction Management Technology English International Building Codes Part-of-Speech Speech
This is the accompanying data for a dissertation of the same title which formalizes the encoding of motion predicates in GSP and proposes a unified theory which captures the generalizations in the phenomena and accounts for language-specific...
Agentivity Complex Path Creole Dissertation English Ghanaian Motion Predicates Pidgin Resultative Student Pidgin Syntactic Syntax Telicity
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