Bailu Zhao
Jukka Pumpanen
Narasinha Shurpali
Qianlai Zhuang
The bundle contains the codes and data used to generate the figures in the paper.
boreal fires burn severity carbon loss EAPS North America TEM
Ian Kaplan
Michael E Scharf
Paola Olaya-Arenas
Includes three Excel files for: i) laboratory experiment testing early-instar larval feeding preference; ii) greenhouse experiment assessing adult oviposition preference; and iii) field correlation between leaf pesticide concentrations and...
agroecosystems behavioral response butterfly Entomology milkweed monarchs pesticides pollinators
North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference
Jeffrey Volenec
Stanislav Pejša
The dataset contains standard test protocols used to characterize alfalfa cultivars compiled by the The North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference.
Abiotic stress Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa Alfalfa breeding alfalfa_db Bacterial pathogen Biotic Resistance Biotic stress Forage quality Fungal pathogen Grazing tolerance Insect stress Lucerne Medicago Plant Breeding Plant Pathology Resistance score resistance tests Stress tolerance Winter hardiness
H. Asena Kızılarslanoğlu
Nicholas Kregotis Rauh
Stanislav Pejša
Addendum and erratum of the pottery in the Context Collection based on analysis and reprocessing of the ceramic materials collected by the pedestrian team and stored in the Alanya Archaeological Museum in 2019.
Ancient Greece Archaeological Survey Archaeology Classical Studies pottery rcasp RCSP Rough Cilicia Rough Cilicia Survey Project Turkey
A K Das
Dev S. Niyogi
H P Nayak
Krishna K Osuri
Kumar Ankur
Raghavendra Raju Nadimpalli
U C Mohanty
Each file contains various meteorological fields such as air temperature, rainfall, moisture, rainfall, and surface fields (soil moisture and soil temperature).
ARW model EAPS FASDAS HRLDAS Monsoon Depressions soil moisture simulation Soil Temperature
Amit H. Varma
Ataollah Taghipour Anvari
Hemanth Hariharan
Preshit Wazalwar
Saahastaranshu Bhardwaj
This tool is developed to analyze the behavior of the SpeedCore walls and CFT columns under fire loading using the fiber-based section analysis.
C-PSW/CF CFT Civil Engineering Composite plate shear wall concrete filled concrete-filled tube columns SpeedCore Structural fire engineering
Dataset for Behl et al. (in review) in which we conduct a bibliometric analysis of 6,500+ peer-reviewed publications generated over a 15-year period by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Sea Grant program.
Bibliometrics coastal f Forestry and Natural Resources NOAA publicly-funded research Sea Grant
Adib Ahmadzadegan
Arezoo Ardekani
Pavlos Vlachos
We introduce a novel approach to Image-based Probability Estimation of Displacement (iPED) which is direct estimation of the PDF of displacement of racers within images. Data sets to reproduce the plots and sample images are available here.
Diffusion measurement image processing Mechanical Engineering particle image velocimetry Probability density function estimation Random Process
Amit H. Varma
Muhannad R Alasiri
Rachel Chicchi
This repository archives the videos of the simulations of the designed structure to different earthquakes and post-earthquake fire scenarios.
3D FEA Behavior Civil Engineering Moment Frame Performance-based Post-Earthquake Fire Steel
This dataset contains the geochemical and isotopic data from the 2015 baseflow sampling campaign in the Wabash River watershed.
aqueous geochemistry baseflow chlorine-36 EAPS Groundwater stable isotopes strontium isotopes Watershed
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