A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for a lower subrange exponential integral weight function
Christoffel function Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for halfrange Freud weight functions
Christoffel function Computer Science Freud weight function Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for the halfrange Binet weight function
Binet weight function Christoffel function Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for halfrange bimodal weight functions
Christoffel function Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for halfrange bimodal-type weight functions
Christoffel function Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
Supplementary material for the publication entitled “Simultaneous discovery of candidate imprinted genes and Imprinting Control Regions in the mouse genome” Bina M., and Wyss P. bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/780551 (2019).
Chemistry DMRs Gene Regulation Genomic imprinting Germline DMRs ICRs Imprinting Control Regions Mammalian genomes Mouse genome ZFP57
A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for a halfrange hyperexponential weight function
Christoffel function Computer Science Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for symmetric subrange Jacobi weight functions
Christoffel function Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Jacobi weight functions Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for lower subrange Jacobi weight functions
Christoffel function Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Jacobi weight functions Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
A set of MATLAB scripts related to Gauss quadrature and Christoffel function for cardinal B-spline weight functions
B-spline Christoffel function Computer Science Gaussian quadrature Mathematics Modification algorithms for orthogonal polynomials Orthogonal polynomials Walter Gautschi Archives weight functions
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