
type: dataset date: 2021

Total is 134 Results
Dataset of the peak height insertion gain (PHIG) method for quantifying acoustic feedback in hearing aids


Joshua M Alexander, 0000-0002-4292-7109, Randall Wagner, Stephanie Schmig, Steve Armstrong


Raw audio recordings of hearing aid output with and without feedback. MATLAB code for a method that quantifies the strength of the feedback signal. Spreadsheet data containing categorical feedback ratings from human listeners.

acoustic communication adverse hearing conditions hearing aids hearing science Matlab sound Speech Language and Hearing Sciences

Data for: Pathogens and predators: examining the separate and combined effects of natural enemies on community structure


Jason T. Hoverman, 0000-0002-4002-2728, Turner DeBlieux


These data and code correspond to a paper entitled "Pathogens and predators: examining the separate and combined effects of natural enemies on community structure" by DeBlieux and Hoverman.

community composition community ecology Disease Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources healthy herds parasite-induced vulnerability predator ecology risk reduction

Data for: Pesticide tolerance induced by a generalized stress response in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica)


Jason T. Hoverman, 0000-0002-4002-2728, Logan Scott Billet, 0000-0002-4654-5271


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Pesticide tolerance induced by a generalized stress response in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica)" by LS Billet and JT Hoverman published in the journal Ecotoxicology.

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor amphibians carbaryl Forestry and Natural Resources frogs Generalized stress response glucocorticoids Inducible tolerance

Data for: Improving English Language Arts Instruction in Indiana Dual Language Bilingual Education Classrooms


Patricia M Morita-Mullaney, Wan Hee Kim, 0000-0003-4422-4041, Wayne E Wright, 0000-0003-1464-1899, Woongsik Choi, 0000-0003-3135-690X


This data set includes observation scores of Indiana elementary school classroom teachers’ English language arts instruction using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol between 2018 and 2020.

bilingual education dual language Education elementary schools English language arts SIOP teacher professional development

Site Index of the Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey Project


Nicholas Kregotis Rauh, 0000-0001-6924-1804, Stanislav Pejša, 0000-0001-5057-262X


This dataset includes a comprehensive list of approximately 150 sites surveyed in the course of the Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey Project between 1996 and 2011.

Ancient Greece Archaeological Survey Archaeology architectural features Classical Studies Gazipasha pottery rcasp Rough Cilicia Rough Cilicia Survey Project Turkey

Archaelogical Sites in Wider Rough Cilicia (Rough Cilicia and Isauria)


Nicholas Kregotis Rauh, 0000-0001-6924-1804, Stanislav Pejša, 0000-0001-5057-262X


This dataset lists eighty-six major archaeological sites in the regions of Rough Cilicia and Isauria in modern Turkey, with locations recorded in on-site georeferencing.

Ancient Greece Archaeological Survey Archaeology Classical Studies Isauria Rough Cilicia Turkey

Geospatial Image Data for Sorghum Phenotyping


Ayman F Habib, 0000-0001-6498-5951, Ed Delp, 0000-0002-2909-7323, Keith A Cherkauer, 0000-0002-6938-5303, Larry L. Biehl, 0000-0002-2322-2445, Melba M Crawford, Mitchell Tuinstra, 0000-0002-5322-6519


This publication includes sample rgb and hyperspectral image data collected in 2018 by unmanned aerial systems for a Sorghum Phenotying and Trait Analysis project being conducted at Purdue's Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE).

Agronomy hyperspectral Phenotyping Remote Sensing Sorghum UAS

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Results 21 - 30 of 134