
subject: Civil Engineering date: 2021

Total is 24 Results
Spreadsheet Programs for Design of SC Walls for Impactive Loading


Amit H. Varma ORCID logo , Jungil Seo


This package contains two spreadsheet programs for designing steel-plate composite (SC) walls to impactive loading. The first program is based on equations developed by Bruhl et al. (2014) and and the second on equations developed by Kim and Varma...

Civil Engineering impactive loading missile impact protective design Steel plate composite

SpeedCore Design Examples


Amit H. Varma ORCID logo , Ataollah Taghipour Anvari , Morgan Broberg , Soheil Shafaei


Mathcad sheets for the design examples in AISC Design Guide 37 on SpeedCore Design.

C-PSW/CF Civil Engineering Composite plate shear wall concrete filled Seismic design SpeedCore Wind design

Intelligent Snow Plow: Muncie Advantage+ Controller Calibration


Darcy Bullock ORCID logo , Jeremy McGuffey , Jijo K. Mathew ORCID logo , Justin Mahlberg


This video provides detailed instructions and graphics for calibrating a road salt spreader truck with a Muncie Advantage+ Controller.

calibration Civil Engineering Indiana JTRP Muncie roads snow plow Winter De-Icing winter road operations

Intelligent Snow Plow: Certified Power Freedom 2 Controller Calibration


Darcy M. Bullock ORCID logo , Jeremy McGuffey , Justin Anthony Mahlberg


This video provides detailed instructions and graphics for calibrating a road salt spreader truck with a Certified Power Freedom 2 Controller.

calibration Certified Power Civil Engineering Indiana JTRP roads snow plow Winter De-Icing winter road operations

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