
type: dataset date: 2021

Total is 134 Results
Input from torus longitudinalis drives binocularity and spatial summation in zebrafish optic tectum


Estuardo Robles ORCID logo


In this study we demonstrate that torus longitudinalis feedback projections to tectum drive binocular integration and spatial summation in a defined tectal circuit. These findings reveal a novel role for the zebrafish torus longitudinalis.

biological sciences fluorescence microscopy Matlab Neuroscience research Vision zebrafish

Data for: Theoretical study of early time superradiance for atom clouds and arrays


Francis Robicheaux ORCID logo


Data used in the figures of Phys. Rev. A 104, 063706 (2021) with short information in FILE_INFO.txt. Also contains .eps files and gnuplot routines.

atom array directional Physics superradiance

SAWBO YouTube Analytics from 02-18-2011 to 10-09-2018


Barry Robert Pittendrigh ORCID logo , Weilin Sun


SAWBO YouTube Analytics from 02-18-2011 to 10-09-2018

Education Entomology SAWBO viewers youtube

Evaluating the variability of surface soil moisture simulated within CMIP5 using SMAP data


Pierre Gentine , Qianlai Zhuang ORCID logo , Seungbum Kim , Xuan Xi ORCID logo


This dataset includes the comparison results of 17 land surface models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) globally using the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) products and codes for analysis.

EAPS Fourier Analysis Land Surface Model Matlab SMAP Soil Moisture

Supplemental Tables and Figures for Effect of circadian system disruption on the concentration and daily oscillations of cortisol, progesterone, melatonin, serotonin, growth hormone, and core body temperature in periparturient dairy cattle


Aridany Suárez Trujillo ORCID logo , Jacquelyn P Boerman ORCID logo , Theresa M. Casey ORCID logo


Changes in daily fluctuations of body temperature and hormone concentrations, related with reproduction and metabolism, were measured and the strength of circadian rhythms of body temperature, serotonin and cortisol increased between three weeks...

Animal Sciences Cattle circadian clocks cortisol

Seedling growth and fall armyworm feeding preference influenced by dhurrin production in sorghum


Mitchell Tuinstra ORCID logo , Shelby M Gruss


Dhurrin plays a key role in host-plant defense of sorghum. Studies of genetic mutants coupled with nondestructive phenotyping techniques revealed a significant metabolic tradeoff between dhurrin production and plant growth in sorghum seedlings.

acyanogenic Agronomy dhurrin Fall Armyworm Phenotyping

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Results 1 - 10 of 134