Eileen J Kladivko
Giorgi Chighladze
Laura C Bowling
Lori Abendroth
This dataset contains research data obtained during a long-term subsurface drainage research project conducted at the Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center in Jennings County, Indiana, from 1984 to 2020.
Antonio Bobet
Hongkyu Yoon
Joseph Morris
Laura J Pyrak-Nolte
Liyang Jiang
Here, we provide a benchmark laboratory data set from 3 point bending experiments for a damage mechanics challenge to compare computational approaches on damage evolution in brittle-ductile material.
3D printed material Benchmark Data Sets Civil Engineering Fracture Geometry Fractures Geomechanics Rock Mechanics
David D. Nolte
Laura J Pyrak-Nolte
Acoustic waves from uncontrolled moving and stationary sources propagated through a set of fractures.
Acoustic Emissions and Fractures Chattering Dust Fractures Machine Learning and Geophysical Signals Physics Twin Neural Network Wave Propagation in Fractured Media
The current study examined regional variation in T. sessile insecticide susceptibility to three classes of insecticides commonly used in ant control. T. sessile showed significant regional variation in insecticide susceptibility.
Entomology insecticide screening Insecticides resistance tests
Jordan M Marshall
Kassandra Paulus
A replacement series experiment ranking growth (leaf count, chlorophyll content, and aboveground biomass) between Ageratina altissima, Alliaria petiolata, and Hesperis matronalis.
Biology competition dames rocket garlic mustard Invasive plants replacement series white snakeroot
Amir Kazemi
Aravind Ramakrishnan
Ashraf Alrajhi
Egemen Okte
Hadi Meidani
Hasan Ozer
Imad L. Al-Qadi
Jeffery R. Roesler
Rui Feng She
Sachindra Dahal
Yanfeng Ouyang
This project have four different blocks. Block I: Real Time Optimization, Block II: Road Network Optimization of ACT Platoons, Block III: Resting Period and Pavement Damage, Block IV: Passive Sensing Paving Material
asphalt pavement autonomous and connected vehicles ccat Network Optimization Passive Sensing Platooning Truck platooning
Loran Carleton Parker
Robin Lynn Tanamachi
De-identified results of pre- and post-course surveys given to students in EAPS 13800 (Spring 2021) who used the online game Stormslam for engagement.
Quantitative tomographic X-ray measurements of liquid breakup dynamics in doublet impinging jet sprays are explored. The datasets included allow for time-resolved 4D volumetric and time-averaged 2D planar reconstructions of an impinging jet spray.
high-speed imaging impinging jet spray liquid mass distribution Mechanical Engineering synchrotron tomography X-ray radiography X-ray tube source
Jukka Vayrynen
Justin Matthew Copenhaver
Code to simulate spin transport in disordered WTe2 systems.
Papa Ibnou Ndiaye
Stacy M. Lindshield
Stephanie Bogart
Provides the geographic locations of chimpanzee observations in Niokolo Koba National Park between 2015 and 2021.
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