
subject: Civil Engineering date: 2022

Total is 14 Results
Highly Transportation Disadvantaged Areas Indianapolis


Christos Gkartzonikas ORCID logo , Konstantina Gkritza ORCID logo , Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas ORCID logo , Raul F. Elizondo Candanedo


This file contains areas designated as highly transportation disadvantaged in Indianapolis. These two areas were outlined using three different measures and publicly available data. The methodology is replicable and can be used in other cities.

Autonomous Vehicles ccat Civil Engineering disadvantaged population GIS

Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction in a CAV Environment: Explanatory Metrics


Jon Fricker , Yunchang Zhang ORCID logo


3 journal articles and 3 conference articles were produced from this project. The research from this advanced research project was disseminated to over 200 people from industry, government, and academia.

ccat Civil Engineering crosswalks Pedestrian Behavior Pedestrian-Vehicle Interactions

Multinomial Logit models raw data for Chicago and Indianapolis


Konstantina Gkritza ORCID logo , Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas ORCID logo


These two files contain information regarding a travel survey when respondents share travel habits and opinions regarding travel easiness. It is also the first NHTS effort to include health-related data with travel data.

Autonomous Vehicles ccat Civil Engineering NHTS substitution patterns

Calibration Data Set for Damage Mechanics Challenge on Brittle-Ductile Material


Antonio Bobet ORCID logo , Hongkyu Yoon , Joseph Morris ORCID logo , Laura J Pyrak-Nolte ORCID logo , Liyang Jiang


Here, we provide a benchmark laboratory data set from 3 point bending experiments for a damage mechanics challenge to compare computational approaches on damage evolution in brittle-ductile material.

3D printed material Benchmark Data Sets Civil Engineering Fracture Geometry Fractures Geomechanics Rock Mechanics

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Results 1 - 10 of 14