
subject: EAPS date: 2022

Total is 23 Results
Testing common tubing materials for memory effects during water vapor stable isotope measurements


Alexandra Meyer ORCID logo , Lisa Welp-Smith ORCID logo


A laboratory experiment testing the water vapor isotopic memory of a few common air intake tubing materials (PFA, FEP, PTFE, HDPE, and copper). e-folding times are quantified at 2 different temperatures.

carryover deuterium excess EAPS isotopic Los Gatos memory effect water isotopes Water Vapor

BreakOut Automatic Picking From Image Logs (BOAPFIL)


Douglas R Schmitt ORCID logo , Wenjing Wang


A Matlab-based algorithm that picks breakout azimuth and width from ultrasonic image logs automatically

breakout EAPS ultrasonic image log wellbore stability analysis

Groundwater chemistry within Arequipa, Peru in the Characato, Chiguata, and Lagunas Salinas study areas


Elizabeth Olson , Lisa R. Welp ORCID logo , Marty D. Frisbee ORCID logo , Odiney Alvarez Campos


We identified recharge zones and groundwater flowpaths supporting springs near Arequipa, Peru using general chemistry and isotopic tracers (δ18O, δ2H, and 3H) in springs, surface waters, and precipitation sampled from March 2019 through February...

Andes Arequipa Arequipa Nexus Institute Chemistry EAPS Groundwater Peru recharge salar stable isotopes

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Results 21 - 23 of 23