Bailu Zhao
Qianlai Zhuang
Steve Frolking
This dataset is used to reproduce the results in Modeling carbon accumulation and greenhouse gas emissions of northern peatlands since the Holocene. The dataset includes simulated pan-Arctic peat thickness, soil C stock and historical permafrost...
basal date EAPS Holocene P-TEM pan-Arctic peatland Permafrost
This code will output a tropical cyclone near-surface wind profile as defined in Chavas et al (2015, JAS); MATLAB or python version
Climate Change damage EAPS hazard Hurricanes impact Risk assessment tropical cyclone wind field wind profile
Douglas R Schmitt
Wenjing Wang
A Matlab-based algorithm that picks breakout azimuth and width from ultrasonic image logs automatically
breakout EAPS stress characterization ultrasonic image log wellbore stability analysis
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