
type: dataset date: 2025

Total is 22 Results
Dataset of Piglet Testes Multiple Reaction Monitoring Profiling Mass Spectrometry of Lipids and Related Methods


Addison Mae Hill , Christina R. Ferreira ORCID logo , Kristen Haruka Yamate , Linda Marie Beckett ORCID logo , Rebeca Soares Nogueira ORCID logo , Theresa M. Casey ORCID logo


This dataset consists of 42 samples and blanks. The MRM profiling method usually is performed as a two-step approach (discovery and screening steps) using the same amount of testis sample per animal sampled.

lipid profiling Lipids Mass Spectrometry

Rationalizing Protein-Ligand Interactions via the Effective Fragment Potential Method and Structural Data from Classical Molecular Dynamics


Andres S Urbina ORCID logo , Lyudmila V Slipchenko ORCID logo


The Effective Fragment Potential (EFP) method is applied to structures derived from classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate protein-ligand interactions of CDK2-ligand complexes.

Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 Noncovalent interactions Pair interaction energy decomposition analysis Protein-ligand interactions Solution chemistry Structure-based drug design

Hand-specific specialization of grip force control


Anvesh Sunil Naik , Satyajit S Ambike ORCID logo


Grip force characteristics – grip-load coupling and mean grip force – and object movements during coupled, bimanual prehensile tasks. This bundle contains code to generate figures from the data and data for statistical analyses.

bimanual movements complimentary dominance dynamic dominance grip force grip-load coupling human prehension tool use

Data and related content for Rural place-based theory of care


Stephanie Oudghiri


This conceptual framework stems from a longitudinal study focused on rural educators and Latinx students and has been extended to explore the intersection of rurality and elementary classrooms. This data will be shared as it relates to the project.

care ethics narrative inquiry rural midwest

Data for: Spatial averaging for light reflection and transmission through cold atom arrays


Francis Robicheaux ORCID logo


Data used in the figures of article in Phys. Rev. A (2025) with short information in FILE_INFO.txt. Also contains .eps files and gnuplot routines.

atom array coherence Simulations theory

Chemical characterization of polymer and chloride content in waste plastic materials using pyrolysis - direct analysis in real time - high-resolution mass spectrometry


Alexander Laskin ORCID logo , Emily Rebekah Halpern ORCID logo


This study presents a novel application of Temperature-Programmed Desorption-Direct Analysis in Real Time-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (TPD-DART-HRMS) that enables rapid characterization of various plastics.

Mass Spectrometry Polymer

Fluxomics Combined with Shotgun Proteomics Reveals a Differential Response of Bovine Kidney Cells to Extracellular Palmitic and α-Linolenic Acid


Linda Marie Beckett ORCID logo , Theresa M. Casey ORCID logo


Pyruvate carboxylase (PC) catalyzes the formation of the oxaloacetate a key TCA cycle intermediate and gluconeogenic substrate. Altering saturated to unsaturated fatty acid ratio alters PC expression, suggesting a central role in mediating carbon flow thr

Fluxomics proteomics

Modeling N2O emission from the pan-Arctic terrestrial ecosystems


Bailu Zhao ORCID logo , Narasinha Shurpali ORCID logo , Qianlai Zhuang ORCID logo , Ye Yuan ORCID logo


This dataset contains the main codes and data for the N2O emissions quantification from pan-Arctic terrestrial ecosystems on a process-based biogeochemical model.

N2O emission

Quantifying global biological nitrogen fixation with in-situ data and a process-based biogeochemistry model


Qianlai Zhuang ORCID logo , Ye Yuan ORCID logo


We refine the nitrogen cycling in a terrestrial ecosystem model by incorporating symbiotic and free-living nitrogen fixation along with atmospheric nitrogen deposition effects. Our updated model provides a new assessment of present-day and future BNF


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