subject: Forestry and Natural Resources subject: RStudio
Brady Hardiman
Elizabeth A Larue
Jessica Elliott
Songlin Fei
Codes and data for published article: LaRue, EA, BS Hardiman, JM Elliott, S Fei. 2019. Structural diversity as a predictor of ecosystem function. Environmental Research Letters.
Ecosystem Function Forestry and Natural Resources Invasion Biology LiDAR Macrosystems biology NEON RStudio Structural diversity
Raptor habitat selection in cover-cropped agroecosystems of west-central Indiana and the influence of definitions of availability on habitat models.
American Kestrel Buteo Jamaicensis Cover Crops Falco Sparverius Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Red-tailed Hawk Resource Selection Function Row-crop Agroecosystems RStudio Use-availability
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