
subject: Conservation type: dataset

Total is 2 Results
Agricultural Producer Perspectives on the Adoption of Conservation Practices, Water Quality, and Climate Change in Big Creek and Lime Creek Watersheds


Ajay Singh , Linda Stalker Prokopy ORCID logo


Summary report and interview transcripts of ag producer perspectives on conservation practices, water quality and climate change in Indiana and Iowa.

Agriculture Climate Change Conservation Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Interviews Iowa Water Quality

Niokolo Koba chimpanzee observations 07/2015-06/2021 Recherche Chimpanze Assirik


Papa Ibnou Ndiaye , Stacy M. Lindshield ORCID logo , Stephanie Bogart


Provides the geographic locations of chimpanzee observations in Niokolo Koba National Park between 2015 and 2021.

Anthropology Conservation West Africa

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