The current data files show results of a survey related to a local environmental dispute over a gas storage near Seneca Lake. Data were collected for the author's dissertation project (https://doi.org/10.7298/X45X274K).
Attitude Strength Communication Environmental Issues Perceived Standing SPSS Strength of Trust Survey
Logan R Strother , Nathan Carrington
The belief that removing Confederate icons from public spaces violates free expression rights occasionally makes its way into the national discourse. We collected data to ascertain who makes this argument and why.
Jane M Kirkpatrick , Sara McComb
Questionnaire data from 1167 undergraduate nursing and engineering students describing their cognitive complexity and motivations to learn.
Cognitive Complexity Motivation to Learn Nursing Survey Undergraduate Education
Amber Mase , Cody Knutson , Jean McGuire , Linda S. Prokopy , Lois Morton , Maria Lemos , Melissa J. Widhalm , Stuart Carlton , Tonya Haigh
Agricultural advisors in 4 Midwestern states were surveyed in Feb 2013 about their climate risk perceptions, climate change beliefs, and willingness to use climate information.
Advisors Agriculture Climate Change Corn Belt Midwest Social Science Survey
A CSV and accompanying HTML zip file of data taken at a survey about data sharing during HUBbub 2013.
Ajay Singh , Amber Mase , Jackie Getson , Jenna Klink , Laura Esman , Linda Stalker Prokopy , Melissa Widhalm , Tonya Haigh , Vikram Koundinya
Midwestern farmers were surveyed in late 2016 to measure their perceptions and attitudes about weather and climate, their awareness of the U2U project, and their use of U2U tools.
Ajay Singh , Amber Mase , Courtney Robinson , Jenna Klink , Linda Stalker Prokopy , Melissa Widhalm , Sarah Church , Tonya Haigh , Vikram Koundinya
Midwestern agricultural advisors were surveyed in late 2016 to measure their perceptions and attitudes about weather and climate, their awareness of the U2U project, and their use of U2U tools.
Advisors Agriculture Climate Change Corn Belt Midwest Social Science Survey U2U
Carrie Henning-Smith , Florence Becot , Jennifer Finders , Leacey Brown , Selena Caldera , Shoshanah Inwood , Steven Cohen , Zuzana Bednarik
The NCRCRD, Ohio State University, and Pennsylvania State University collected household data for the Northeast Region to learn more about individuals and families who provide child, adult, and/or elder caregiving.
Adult Caregiving Child Caregiving Community Education Elder Caregiving Household Household Demographics Non-caregiving Northeast Region Rural Survey Urban
Carrie Henning-Smith , Florence Becot , Jennifer Finders , Leacey Brown , Selena Caldera , Shoshanah Inwood , Steven Cohen , Zuzana Bednarik
The NCRCRD, Ohio State University, and the National Farm Medicine Center collected household data for the North Central Region to learn more about individuals and families who provide child, adult, and/or elder caregiving.
Adult Caregiving Child Caregiving Community Education Elder Caregiving Household Household Demographics Non-caregiving North Central Region Rural Survey Urban
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