subject: Entomology type: dataset
Anne Lutomia
Barry Pittendrigh
John Medendorp
Julia Bello-Bravo
Md. Harun-ar-Rashid
Peter Reeves
Timothy Krupnik
Victor Giancarlo Sal y Rosas Celi
The study concludes with a discussion of ways to mitigate gender exclusion in extension by data collection processes, incorporating machine learning to understand gender preferences, and applying optimization theory to increase total participation
Agricultural Education Bangladesh Entomology extension training participation
Data on pesticide use, insect pests, pollinators, and crop yield across multiple years in a multi-crop agroecosystem.
agroecosystems Bees Corn Crop yield Entomology Environmental Issues Insecticides Melons pesticides pollinators
Barry Robert Pittendrigh
Weilin Sun
SAWBO YouTube Analytics from 02-18-2011 to 10-09-2018
The current study examined regional variation in T. sessile insecticide susceptibility to three classes of insecticides commonly used in ant control. T. sessile showed significant regional variation in insecticide susceptibility.
Entomology insecticide screening Insecticides resistance tests
Ian Kaplan
Michael E Scharf
Paola Olaya-Arenas
Includes three Excel files for: i) laboratory experiment testing early-instar larval feeding preference; ii) greenhouse experiment assessing adult oviposition preference; and iii) field correlation between leaf pesticide concentrations and...
agroecosystems behavioral response butterfly Entomology milkweed monarchs pesticides pollinators
Ian Kaplan
Kayleigh Hauri
Michael E. Scharf
Paola Olaya-Arenas
Files reporting data used in Olaya-Arenas et al 2020 study published in Scientific Reports on monarch performance when reared as larvae with varying pesticide types and concentrations.
These data indicate that both insecticides and non-crop forage play integral roles in shaping pollinator health in agricultural landscapes, but the relative importance and interaction of these two factors depend on which aspect of “health” are...
Ian Kaplan
Kathryn Ingerslew
Data includes results from a greenhouse study that determined the effect of soil conditioning by 36 plant species on subsequent tomato growth. It also determined the effect on the tomato herbivore, the tobacco hornworm.
Crop Science Entomology Manduca sexta Plant soil feedback Solanum lycopersicum Tobacco hornworm Tomato
Ashley Kissick
Esteban Fernandez-Juricic
Jeffrey D Holland
John Dunning
Functional diversity of predators and prey in Ecological Applications 2018. Supplementary material, data, and metadata.
Beetles Ecological Applications Entomology Functional Diversity Functional Traits Habitat Loss Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment Predator-Prey Interaction RStudio
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