C. Berentsen , Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte , S. Hassanizadeh , V. Niasar
Supplementary materials for the paper: Cheng, J.-T., L. J. Pyrak-Nolte, D. D. Nolte, and N. J. Giordano (2004), Linking pressure and saturation through interfacial areas in porous media, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L08502, doi:10.1029/2003GL019282.
Daiquan Chen , Jessica Griffin , Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte , Nicholas Giordano
Supplementary materials for the paper: Measurement of interfacial area per volume for drainage and imbibition, Water Resour. Res., 43, W12504, 2007, doi:10.1029/2007WR006021.
Daiquan Chen , David Nolte , Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte , Nicholas Giordano
Supplementary materials for the paper: Relating capillary pressure to interfacial areas, Water Resour. Res., 44, W06408, 2008, doi:10.1029/2007WR006434.
Efficient Algorithm for Incompressible N-Phase Flows
Mathematics multiphase flows N-phase flow phase field Physics spectral element surface tension
We present a family of energy-stable open boundary conditions and an associated numerical algorithm for incompressible flow simulations. These open boundary conditions all ensure the energy stability of the system.
backflow instability energy stability energy-stable boundary conditions Mathematics Navier-Stokes open boundary condition outflow outflow boundary condition Physics spectral element method unbounded domain velocity correction
We present a family of thermodynamically consistent physical formulation and efficient numerical algorithm for simulating the mixture of N (N >= 2) immiscible incompressible fluids with given densities, dynamic viscosities and...
applied mathematics computational physics general order parameters Mathematics multiphase flows N-phase flow pairwise surface tension phase field Physics spectral element surface tension
Data files for the paper "S. Dong & X. Wang, A Rotational Pressure-Correction Scheme for Incompressible Two-Phase Flows with Open Boundaries, PLOS One, Accepted, 2016"
Mathematics multiphase flow OBC open boundary condition outflow boundary condition outflows Physics pressure correction spectral element spectral element method two-phase flow two-phase open boundary two-phase outflow
Data files for the paper "S. Dong & X. Wang, A Rotational Pressure-Correction Scheme for Incompressible Two-Phase Flows with Open Boundaries, PLOS One, Accepted, 2016"
Mathematics multiphase flow OBC open boundary condition outflow boundary condition outflows Physics pressure correction spectral element spectral element method two-phase flow two-phase open boundary two-phase outflow
Akilesh Venkatesh , Francis Robicheaux
Data used in the figures of Phys. Rev. A 106, 033125 (2022) with short information in FILE_INFO.txt. Also contains .eps files and gnuplot routines.
Alexandre Zimmers , Dmitri Basov , Erica Carlson , Forrest Simmons , Ivan K. Schuller , Lionel Aigouy , Lukasz Burzawa , Melissa Alzate Banguero , Mumtaz Qazilbash , Pavel Salev , Sayan Basak
Codes used in "Deep Learning Hamiltonians form Disordered Image Data in Quantum Materials" https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.01490 and the resulting visualizations.
Clustering Machine Learning Physics quantum materials Scientific visualization symmetry Vanadium dioxide VO2
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