subject: Teaching and learning
Michael Witt
Olof Olsson
Sean P. Brophy
Specimen data including feeding schedules for a python and boa constrictor with a learning exercise for the python programming language that was used in the Engineering in the World of Data Learning Community at Purdue University
Acrantophis dumerili Library Science Programming Python Python regius Reptiles Teaching and learning
This data accompanies a learning activity using Gephi, an open-source graphing tool, to visualize connections between topics in the work of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze.
20th Century French Philosophy Gephi Gilles Deleuze Library Science Network Analysis Teaching and learning
Amanda N. Heltzel
Aziz Ebrahimi
Benjamin Rivera
Brandon M. Sosa
Calen Cunningham
David Savage
Grace Walker
Jacob Daniel Hosen
Joseph Hale
Kimberly Gulbranson
Molly Barrett
Seth Williams
Sylvia Park
Taylor Hayes
Air quality sensor data collected by Purdue Forestry & Natural Resources students using Arduino-compatible microcontrollers and sensors to detect volatile organic compounds and 2.5 µm particulates.
air pressure Forestry and Natural Resources indoor air quality outdoor air quality particulate air quality Teaching and learning Temperature VOCs
Loran Carleton Parker
Robin Lynn Tanamachi
De-identified results of pre- and post-course surveys given to students in EAPS 13800 (Spring 2021) who used the online game Stormslam for engagement.
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