
subject: EEG

Total is 2 Results
Sensor-based indicators of performance changes between sessions during robotic surgery training


Denny Yu ORCID logo


Ro­botic surgery Eye track­ing Elec­troen­cephalo­gram Sim­u­lated train­ing Per­for­mance

Applied Ergonomics EEG Eye tracking Industrial Engineering NASA TLX performance Robotics Surgery workload dataset

Development of In-vehicle Information Dissemination Mechanisms to Reduce Cognitive Burden in the Information-rich Driving Environment


Irina Benedyk ORCID logo , Shubham Agrawal ORCID logo , Srinivas Peeta


Processed driving simulator data collected at NEXTRANS Center, Purdue University. Data features synchronized EEG band powers around an instance of auditory travel information and contains demographic, information scenario, and trip details.

ccat Civil Engineering driver cognition driving simulator EEG travel information

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