
subject: Moon type: dataset

Total is 7 Results
Analyzing the Mineralogy and Space Weathering Characteristics of the Finest Fraction in Apollo Core Sample 73002


ANGSA Science Team , Charles Shearer , James Mcfadden ORCID logo , Lindsay Keller , Michelle Thompson , Richard Morris , Roy Christoffersen


Relevant transmission electron microscopy images and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopic chemical data used to evaluate space weathering and mineralogy of regolith found in Apollo core sample 73002.

Moon Planetary Science Space Transmission Electron Microscopy

Datasets for analyzing lunar impact bombardment during the Imbrian


Austin Michael Blevins ORCID logo , Caleb I Fassett ORCID logo , David A Minton ORCID logo , Jun Du ORCID logo , Marissa Tremblay ORCID logo , Ya Huei Huang


These datasets include results from a Monte Carlo model used to study lunar impact bombardment at the Apollo sites during the Imbrian, as well as inputs to produce similar data using the model.

Apollo High Performance Computing impact cratering Moon

Spectral Analysis of the Morphology of Fresh Lunar Craters I: Rim Crest, Floor, and Rim Flank Outlines


Austin M. Blevins ORCID logo , Caleb I. Fassett ORCID logo , David A. Minton ORCID logo , Jun Du ORCID logo , Ya-Huei Huang


This repository includes the shape files and power spectral densities of all the crater outlines as well as python scripts to generate the synthetic crater outlines.

impact cratering Moon Planetary Science shapefile

Datasets for analyzing lunar impact bombardment during the Imbrian


Austin Michael Blevins ORCID logo , Caleb I Fassett ORCID logo , David A Minton ORCID logo , Jun Du ORCID logo , Marissa Tremblay ORCID logo , Ya Huei Huang


These datasets include results from a Monte Carlo model used to study lunar impact bombardment at the Apollo sites during the Imbrian, as well as inputs to produce similar data using the model.

Apollo High Performance Computing impact cratering Moon

Online repository for 2D power spectral analysis of fresh lunar impact craters


Austin Blevins ORCID logo , Caleb Fassett ORCID logo , David A Minton ORCID logo , Jun Du ORCID logo , Ya-Huei Huan


This repository includes the spreadsheet, shape files, surface elevations, and power spectral densities of all the selected crater units as well as python scripts to generate synthetic craters and to reconstruct Gaussian random noises.

crater morphology impact cratering Moon power spectral density

Lunar Hydration at the South Pole observed by Deep Impact


Kris Laferriere ORCID logo


Files used for calibration and analysis of hydration feature as observed by Deep Impact during the 2009 lunar flyby of the south pole

EAPS hydration hydroxyl Moon Water

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