subject: Neuroscience type: dataset
Jingqun Ma
Pete E Pascuzzi
Vikki Marie Weake
Supporting and raw data for Figures 1 - 5 and Figure S1 from: Ma et al. (2016) Transcriptome Profiling Identifies Multiplexin as a target of SAGA Deubiquitinase Activity in Glia.... G3 (Bethesda). PMID: 27261002.
axon guidance Biochemistry Drosophila glia Neuroscience nonstop RNA_seq SAGA sgf11 Transcriptome
In this study we demonstrate that torus longitudinalis feedback projections to tectum drive binocular integration and spatial summation in a defined tectal circuit. These findings reveal a novel role for the zebrafish torus longitudinalis.
biological sciences fluorescence microscopy Matlab Neuroscience research Vision zebrafish
Elisabeth C DeMarco
Estuardo Robles
George R Stoner
We have developed a genetic labeling system in zebrafish to enable high resolution in vivo imaging of dendritic spine dynamics during larval development.
biological sciences fluorescence microscopy Neuroscience Research Data Depot
Apekshya Chhetri
Ho-Ching Yang
Joseph V Rispoli
Pratik Kashyap
Thomas M Talavage
Wenbin Zhu
Yukai Zou
Population-specific brain atlases for early-to-middle adolescent collision-sport athletes in the longitudinal database of Purdue Neurotrauma Group, including cortical and white matter parcellations, a T1-weighted template, and a DTI template.
Adolescents Atlasing Biomedical Engineering Brain Informatics Morphometrics MRI Neuroscience NIfTI Spatial Normalization Statistical Methods Trauma Workflow
Ho-Ching Yang
Joseph V Rispoli
Thomas M Talavage
Wenbin Zhu
Yukai Zou
Unbiased population-specific brain templates for local adolescent collision-sport athletes in the longitudinal database of Purdue Neurotrauma Group, including a T1-weighted template and a DTI template.
Adolescents Atlasing Biomedical Engineering Brain Informatics Morphometrics MRI Neuroscience NIfTI Spatial Normalization Spatial Warping Statistical Methods Trauma Workflow
Ho-Ching Yang
Joseph V Rispoli
Thomas M Talavage
Wenbin Zhu
Yukai Zou
Unbiased population-specific brain atlas for local adolescent collision-sport athletes in the longitudinal database of Purdue Neurotrauma Group, including cortical and white matter parcellations, a T1-weighted template, and a DTI template.
Adolescents Atlasing Biomedical Engineering Brain Informatics Morphometrics MRI Neuroscience NIfTI Spatial Normalization Spatial Warping Statistical Methods Trauma Workflow
Apekshya Chhetri
Ho-Ching Yang
Joseph V Rispoli
Pratik Kashyap
Thomas M Talavage
Wenbin Zhu
Yukai Zou
Population-specific brain atlases for early-to-middle adolescent collision-sport athletes in the longitudinal database of Purdue Neurotrauma Group, including cortical and white matter parcellations, T1-weighted templates, and a DTI template.
Adolescents Atlasing Biomedical Engineering Brain Informatics Morphometrics MRI Neuroscience NIfTI Spatial Normalization Statistical Methods Trauma Workflow
Matthew C Pharris
Tamara L. Kinzer-Ursem
Code for the basic 4-state competitive binding model that builds on previous work by incorporating an additional competitor for calmodulin along with a number of downstream proteins. Also include is sample code for global sensitivity analysis...
Ho-Ching Yang
Joseph V Rispoli
Thomas M Talavage
Wenbin Zhu
Yukai Zou
A population-specific brain atlas based on the T1-weighted MR scans from 215 adolescent collision-sport athletes in the longitudinal database of Purdue Neurotrauma Group.
Adolescents Atlasing Biomedical Engineering Brain Informatics Morphometrics MRI Neuroscience Spatial Normalization Spatial Warping Statistical Methods Trauma Workflow
Matthew C Pharris
Tamara L Kinzer-Ursem
This model uses a specialized rule-based syntax in MCell 3.3 to model the twelve-subunit CaMKII holoenzyme without inducing combinatorial explosion. The model allows us to explore the regulation of CaMKII activation and autophosphorylation.
Biomedical Engineering Calmodulin Computational Modeling Neuroscience Protein Signaling
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