
subject: Surgery type: dataset

Total is 4 Results
Supporting Surgical Teams: Identifying Needs and Barriers for Exoskeleton Implementation in the Operating Room


Denny Yu ORCID logo , Jackie Cha


Findings from this work identify facilitators and barriers for sustained implementation of exoskeletons by surgical teams.

Ergonomics Industrial Engineering Surgery Usability Testing

Sensor-based indicators of performance changes between sessions during robotic surgery training


Denny Yu ORCID logo


Ro­botic surgery Eye track­ing Elec­troen­cephalo­gram Sim­u­lated train­ing Per­for­mance

Applied Ergonomics EEG Eye tracking Industrial Engineering NASA TLX performance Robotics Surgery workload dataset

Rapid Detection of IDH Mutations in Gliomas by Intraoperative Mass Spectrometry


Mahdiyeh Shahi ORCID logo , Nicolas Mauricio Morato Gutierrez ORCID logo , Robert Graham Cooks ORCID logo


This data set comprises the full mass spectra and tandem mass spectra associated with the analysis of all biopsies of two representative patients from a study focused on IDH mutation detection via intraoperative mass spectrometry.

Analytical Chemistry Brain Mass Spectrometry Surgery

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