
subject: Mechanical Engineering type: dataset

Total is 32 Results
Simulations, data, and scripts for Correlations for the interphase drag in the two-fluid model of gas-liquid flows through packed-bed reactors


Amy M Marconnet ORCID logo , Ivan C. Christov ORCID logo , Pranay Praveen Nagrani ORCID logo


Zip files containing simulations, data, and post-processing scripts, used to generate the figures in the manuscript "Correlations for the interphase drag in the two-fluid model of gas-liquid flows through packed-bed reactors" by Nagrani, et al.

CFD Fluid Mechanics Mechanical Engineering microgravity multiphase flow NASA packed-bed reactor porous media

Image Data and Analysis Materials for In-situ Fracture Mechanics Experiments on Human Cortical Bone Treated Ex-vivo with Raloxifene


Glynn Ellen Gallaway ORCID logo , Laura J Pyrak-Nolte ORCID logo , Matthew Robert Allen ORCID logo , Thomas H Siegmund ORCID logo


This publication documents image data and analysis codes in support of the publication "Assessment of Ex-Vivo Raloxifene Treatment on Human Cortical Bone by Quasi-Brittle Fracture Mechanics" G. Gallaway et al, Acta Biomaterialia, submitted (Dec 2024)

Bone Cracks Fracture Imaging Mechanical Engineering Raloxifene

Load Data and Code for Analysis of In-situ X-ray Transverse Crack Growth Experiments in Specimens of a Human Cortical Bone


Glynn Ellen Gallaway ORCID logo , Laura J Pyrak-Nolte ORCID logo , Thomas H Siegmund ORCID logo


This publication documents experimental data and analysis code in support of the publication "Quasi-brittle Fracture Mechanics of Human Cortical Bone Enables the Combined Analysis of Bone Quantity and Quality" G. Gallaway et al, Journal of Biomechanics.

Bone Fracture Mechanics Matlab Mechanical Engineering

Jupyter notebook and SimVascular case files for "Flow rate--pressure drop relations for slender compliant tubes"


Ivan C. Christov ORCID logo , Shrihari Dhananjay Pande , Xiaojia Wang


Zip files with codes and data to make the plots in the manuscript "Flow rate--pressure drop relations for new configurations of slender compliant tubes arising in microfluidics experiments" by Wang, Pande & Christov (2022).

CFD elastic deformation fluid-structure interactions lubrication theory Mechanical Engineering microfluidics soft hydraulics viscous fluid flow

The role of absorbed energy on the oscillation mode of an air bubble in a cavitation-induced acoustic field


Javad Eshraghi ORCID logo , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo , Sayantan Bhattacharya


When an acoustic pressure drives a gas bubble in a liquid, the bubble undergoes volume oscillation, i.e., the radial expansion and contraction of the bubble without varying its shape. However, if the amplitude of the driving waves exceeds a...

acoustic signals Cavitation Mechanical Engineering oscillation

Cyclic Voltammetry analysis of catalyst degradation modes in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells


Navneet Goswami ORCID logo , Partha Mukherjee ORCID logo


This mathematical model helps simulate a cyclic voltammogram (CV) response based on the propensity of catalyst particles towards dissolution and/ or oxidation mechanisms.

catalyst degradation electrocatalysis electrochemistry Matlab Mechanical Engineering polymer electrolyte fuel cells simulation modelling

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Results 1 - 10 of 32