
subject: Mass Spectrometry

Total is 7 Results
Differential Lipid Profiles of Normal Human Brain Matter and Gliomas by Positive and Negative Mode Desorption Electrospray Ionization – Mass Spectrometry Imaging


Aaron Cohen-Gadol , Alan Jarmusch , Clint Alfaro , Eyas Hattab , Robert Graham Cooks ORCID logo , Valentina Pirro


Desorption electrospray ionization - mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) imaging was used to analyze unmodified human brain tissue sections from 39 subjects sequentially in the positive and negative ionization modes.

Brain Cancer Chemistry Imaging Mass Spectrometry Neurology Pathology

Gas-Phase Folding of a Prototypical Protonated Pentapeptide: Spectroscopic Evidence for Formation of a Charge-stabilized Beta-Hairpin (Structures)


Andrew F. DeBlase , James G. Redwine , John R. Hopkins , Nicole Lyn Burke , Scott A. McLuckey , Timothy S. Zwier ORCID logo


Contains .log files for structures accompanying the paper titled: "Gas-Phase Folding of a Prototypical Protonated Pentapeptide: Spectroscopic Evidence for Formation of a Charge-stabilized β-Hairpin"

Beta-Hairpin Beta-turn Chemistry Ion Spectroscopy Leucine enkephalin Mass Spectrometry Spectroscopy

Rapid Detection of IDH Mutations in Gliomas by Intraoperative Mass Spectrometry


Mahdiyeh Shahi ORCID logo , Nicolas Mauricio Morato Gutierrez ORCID logo , Robert Graham Cooks ORCID logo


This data set comprises the full mass spectra and tandem mass spectra associated with the analysis of all biopsies of two representative patients from a study focused on IDH mutation detection via intraoperative mass spectrometry.

Analytical Chemistry Brain Mass Spectrometry Surgery

Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Assessment of IDH Mutation Status in Human Glioma


Mahdiyeh Shahi ORCID logo , Robert Graham Cooks ORCID logo


This data includes tandem mass spectrometry results from human glioma to detect isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutations. Product-ion scanning and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) were done using a linear ion trap (LIT) and a triple quadrupole (TQ).

Chemistry Mass Spectrometry

Lipid profiles of Pacific green and hawksbill sea turtle plasma


Chelsea E. Clyde-Brockway ORCID logo , Christina R. Ferreira ORCID logo , Elizabeth A Flaherty , Frank Paladino


Data from multiple reaction monitoring profiling evaluating the relative ion intensities of lipid classes in plasma from sea turtles.

Chelonia myda Eretmochelys imbricata Forestry and Natural Resources lipid profiles Mass Spectrometry MRM-profiling

Dataset of Piglet Testes Multiple Reaction Monitoring Profiling Mass Spectrometry of Lipids and Related Methods


Addison Mae Hill , Christina R. Ferreira ORCID logo , Kristen Haruka Yamate , Linda Marie Beckett ORCID logo , Rebeca Soares Nogueira ORCID logo , Theresa M. Casey ORCID logo


This dataset consists of 42 samples and blanks. The MRM profiling method usually is performed as a two-step approach (discovery and screening steps) using the same amount of testis sample per animal sampled.

lipid profiling Lipids Mass Spectrometry

Chemical characterization of polymer and chloride content in waste plastic materials using pyrolysis - direct analysis in real time - high-resolution mass spectrometry


Alexander Laskin ORCID logo , Emily Rebekah Halpern ORCID logo


This study presents a novel application of Temperature-Programmed Desorption-Direct Analysis in Real Time-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (TPD-DART-HRMS) that enables rapid characterization of various plastics.

Mass Spectrometry Polymer

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Results 1 - 7 of 7