
subject: Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering

Total is 9 Results
Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Dataset


Apoorv Maheshwari ORCID logo , Brandon E Sells , Daniel A. Delaurentis ORCID logo , Ethan Charles Wright , Nicholas I. Gunady , Ryan James Howard ORCID logo , Sai V Mudumba ORCID logo , William A Crossley ORCID logo


A wide array of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles are in various stages of development with the goal of serving Urban Air Mobility (UAM) missions. This dataset describes emerging eVTOL vehicles' characteristics.

advanced air mobility Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering aerospace engineering aircraft design aviation Economics engineering mobility technology transportation urban air mobility vertical takeoff and landing

Uncertainty quantification in density estimation from background oriented schlieren (BOS) measurements


Jiacheng Zhang ORCID logo , Lalit Rajendran ORCID logo , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo , Sally P M Bane , Sayantan Bhattacharya


We present an uncertainty quantification methodology for density estimation from background-oriented Schlieren (BOS) measurements, in order to provide local, instantaneous, a posteriori uncertainty bounds on each density measurement in the field...

Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering background oriented schlieren Numerical Analysis Python uncertainty quantification

Simulation Inputs and Results of the Potential Impacts of Emissions Trading Scheme and Biofuel Options to Carbon Emissions of U.S. Airlines


Daniel Delaurentis , Datu Buyung Agusdinata , Hsun Chao ORCID logo


Simulation inputs and results for assessing the environmental impacts of EUETS-type (European Union Emissions Trading Scheme) domestic emission scheme on US commercial aviation with biofuel options.

Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Airline Fleet Allocation Alternative Aviation Jet Fuels Aviation Emissions Emission Trading Scheme

PIV/BOS synthetic image generation in variable density environments for error analysis and experiment design


Lalit Rajendran ORCID logo


Ray tracin based image generation methodology to render realistic images of particle image velocimetry (PIV) and background oriented schlieren (BOS) experiments in the presence of density/refractive index gradients.

Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering background oriented schlieren cuda particle image velocimetry Python ray tracing

Dot tracking methodology for background-oriented schlieren (BOS)


Lalit Rajendran ORCID logo , Pavlos Vlachos ORCID logo , Sally P M Bane


A dot tracking method to process BOS images that improves the accuracy, precision, and spatial resolution of the measurements

Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering background oriented schlieren image processing Matlab particle tracking velocimetry

Data For Airlines Decision Model Under Competition


Daniel Delaurentis ORCID logo , Jitesh Panchal ORCID logo , Joseph D Thekinen ORCID logo , Kushal Moolchandani


This data was used to model airlines' decision-making on route selection in presence of competition from other airlines. Data from two major US airlines was used in modeling.

Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Airline Industry Bureau of Transportation Statistics Discrete Choice Modeling

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