
subject: Forestry and Natural Resources

Total is 134 Results
Data for: Pesticide tolerance induced by a generalized stress response in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica)


Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Logan Scott Billet ORCID logo


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Pesticide tolerance induced by a generalized stress response in wood frogs (Rana sylvatica)" by LS Billet and JT Hoverman published in the journal Ecotoxicology.

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor amphibians carbaryl Forestry and Natural Resources frogs Generalized stress response glucocorticoids Inducible tolerance

Connecticut River Watershed Riparian Canopy Data


Elizabeth Creech , Jacob Daniel Hosen ORCID logo , Peter Raymond


Canopy cover values were extracted from hemispherical camera images from the Connecticut River watershed. Images were collected from June 2016 through April 2017.

Canopy Forestry and Natural Resources Riparian Zone River Stream

Supplemental Table 4.1: The PAH analysis of the high energy water accommodated fraction (HEWAF)


Elizabeth B Allmon ORCID logo


Supplemental Table 4.1: Measured concentrations (µg/L) of all constituent PAHs present in each of 4 100% HEWAF solutions made with 1 g OFS and 1 L 25 ppt artificial seawater. ND = not detected.

Deepwater Horizon Forestry and Natural Resources HEWAF high energy water accommodated fraction PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Supplemental Table 5.1: Cardiac function and geometry statistics


Elizabeth B Allmon ORCID logo


Elizabeth Allmon dissertation, Supplemental Table 5.1: Cardiac function & Geometry statistics

Cardiac development Cardiac geometry Cardiac morphology Forestry and Natural Resources Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes Statistics

Supplemental Table 5.3: Gene expression statistics


Elizabeth B Allmon ORCID logo


Elizabeth Allmon dissertation; Supplemental Table 5.3: Gene expression Statistics

Cardiac development Forestry and Natural Resources Gene Expression Japanese medaka mechano-genetic Oryzias latipes Statistics

Lipid profiles of Pacific green and hawksbill sea turtle plasma


Chelsea E. Clyde-Brockway ORCID logo , Christina R. Ferreira ORCID logo , Elizabeth A Flaherty , Frank Paladino


Data from multiple reaction monitoring profiling evaluating the relative ion intensities of lipid classes in plasma from sea turtles.

Chelonia myda Eretmochelys imbricata Forestry and Natural Resources lipid profiles Mass Spectrometry MRM-profiling

Structural diversity and ecosystem function


Brady Hardiman , Elizabeth A Larue ORCID logo , Jessica Elliott , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


Codes and data for published article: LaRue, EA, BS Hardiman, JM Elliott, S Fei. 2019. Structural diversity as a predictor of ecosystem function. Environmental Research Letters.

Ecosystem Function Forestry and Natural Resources Invasion Biology LiDAR Macrosystems biology NEON RStudio Structural diversity

Distributional shifts of regional forest communities in the eastern United States


Christopher M. Oswalt , Jonathan Knott , Michael A. Jenkins , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


This dataset contains the distribution of forest communities across the eastern United States at T1 (1980-1995) and T2 (2015-2017) and the species comprising these communities.

Climate Change Forest Inventory and Analysis Forestry and Natural Resources Latent Dirichlet Allocation Regional Forest Communities Spatial Shifts Tree Migration

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Results 1 - 10 of 134