Darrell G Schulze
Joshua O Minai
This study is to bring legacy soil data from the Busia area of Kenya ‘back to life’ using digital soil mapping techniques.
Agronomy Busia Area Digital Soil Mapping Disaggregation Kenya Legacy Soil Data
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Sylvie M. Brouder
Grain and stover yield and composition were determined for maize grown in soil previously fertilized annually for 8 years with potassium (K, 0 to 400 kg K/ha) and phosphorus (P, 0 to 75 kg P/ha) resulting in large differences in soil test P and K.
Agronomy Biomass Corn Grain Yield Indiana Maize Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant Nutrition Potassium Fertilizer Seed Composition Soil Fertility Stover Composition
Jeffrey J. Volenec
Sylvie M. Brouder
Maize was grown in 2006 in plots differing in soil test P and K. Yield and plant composition were determined.
Agronomy Corn Grain Yield Indiana Maize Phosphorus Fertilizer Plant Nutrition Potassium Fertilizer Soil Fertility Stover Composition
Daniel Wiersma
Jeffrey Volenec
Stanislav Pejša
Sylvie Brouder
Wayne G. Hartman
An archived copy of the Alfalfa Variety Performance Database originally compiled in 2000 by Daniel W. Wiersma and Wayne G. Hartman. It contains data on yield, quality, and plant stand for over 2900 varieties from 700+ experiments conducted from...
Agriculture Agronomy Alfalfa alfalfa_db Biotic stress Crop yield Forage quality Genotype x environment insect resistance Lucerne Medicago Pathogen resistance performance persistence Winter hardiness yield improvement
This dataset contains tables prepared for the 2019 Uniform Soybean Tests Northern Region Report.
Agriculture Agronomy Botany Crop Science Plant Pathology Soybeans USDA-ARS
Kai-Wei Yang
Mitchell Tuinstra
Scott Chapman
The model calibration step compares the APSIM simulated results with measured phenotypes in field trials. Parameter adjustments are reported in “SorghumXMLOutputUQ”.
2018 Sorghum Simulation Agronomy APSIM Crop Model Remote Sensing
Kai-Wei Yang
Mitchell Tuinstra
Scott Chapman
The APSIM models from 2018 West Lafayette were validated by comparing simulated and observed results of experiments conducted in 2015 West Lafayette.
2015 Sorghum Crop Simulation Agronomy Biophysical crop models Remote Sensing
Kai-Wei Yang
Mitchell Tuinstra
Scott Chapman
The calibrated APSIM models from 2018 West Lafayette were validated by comparing simulated and observed results of experiments conducted in 2017 West Lafayette.
2017 Sorghum simulation Agronomy APSIM Crop Model Remote Sensing
Kai-Wei Yang
Mitchell Tuinstra
Scott Chapman
In the Texas scenario simulations, the physiology parameters from 2018 West Lafayette were used to run APSIM simulations in Bushland, TX using multi-year historical weather data.
Agronomy APSIM Forage sorghum crop models Texas Scenario Simulation
Kai-Wei Yang
Mitchell Tuinstra
Scott Chapman
In the West Lafayette scenario simulations, the physiology parameters from 2018 West Lafayette were used to run APSIM simulations in West Lafayette using multi-year historical weather data.
Agronomy APSIM Forage sorghum modelling West Lafayette Scenario Simulation
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