
subject: Forestry and Natural Resources

Total is 134 Results
Data for: Effects of terrestrial transport corridors and associated landscape context on invasion by forest plants


Benjamin Taylor , Kelly-Ann Dixon Hamil , Kurt Riitters , Samuel Ward ORCID logo , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


Data characterizing the number of invasive plants on Forest Inventory and Analysis (USDA Forest Service) plots across the eastern USA.

Forest Inventory Forestry and Natural Resources Invasive plants roads

Stable isotope (carbon and nitrogen) signatures of Pacific green and hawksbill sea turtles in Costa Rica


Chelsea E. Clyde-Brockway ORCID logo , Elizabeth A Flaherty , Frank V. Paladino , Maike Heidemeyer


We collected whole blood and skin samples from Pacific green (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) sea turtles along with potential diet items for stable isotope analysis using carbon and nitrogen.

foraging Forestry and Natural Resources niche sea turtle stable isotopes

An eDNA Evaluation of North American River Otter Diet with Respect to Fishes


Ashlyn Heniff , Brant Fisher , Erangi Heenkenda ORCID logo , Geriann Albers , James DeWoody ORCID logo


Data and the Supplementary materials for the paper: An eDNA Evaluation of North American River Otter Diet with Respect to Fishes

barcoding Forestry and Natural Resources Lonta canadensis metabarcoding Mustelidae predation stomach content

Code and Data from Nutrient loading effects on fish habitat quality: Trade-offs between enhanced production and hypoxia in Lake Erie, North America


Daniel K. Rucinski , Leah Zoe Almeida , Tim Sesterhenn , Tomas Höök ORCID logo


Metadata, model code, and output data for the study "Nutrient loading effects on fish habitat quality: Trade-offs between enhanced production and hypoxia in Lake Erie, North America".

bioenergetics Climate Change eutrophication Forestry and Natural Resources growth rate potential model Lake Erie

Data for: Temperature affects the toxicity of pesticides to cercariae of the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis


Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Logan Scott Billet ORCID logo


These data correspond to a paper entitled "Temperature affects the toxicity of pesticides to cercariae of the trematode Echinostoma trivolvis" by LS Billet, A Belskis, and JT Hoverman published in the journal Aquatic Toxicology.

Echinostomatidae ecotoxicology Forestry and Natural Resources fungicide herbicide Insecticides Parasite survival analysis

Spring and autumn phenology data from a northern red oak (Quercus rubra) common garden in West Lafayette, IN from 2013-2020.


Jeffrey S Dukes ORCID logo , Jonathan Knott , Liang Liang , Robert Swihart ORCID logo , Songlin Fei ORCID logo


The files in this repository contain autumn and spring phenology data from a northern red oak (Quercus rubra) common garden at Martell Forest, West Lafayette, IN.

common garden diameter Forestry and Natural Resources northern red oak oak phenology provenance test Quercus rubra

Leopard Frog PFOS & PFHxS Mixture Study


Elizabeth B Allmon ORCID logo , Jason T. Hoverman ORCID logo , Linda S. Lee ORCID logo , Maria S. Sepúlveda ORCID logo , Tyler D. Hoskins , Wes Flynn , Youn jJong Choi ORCID logo


Leopard frog tadpoles exposed to either 0.5 ppb or 1 ppb of either PFOS or PFHxS or a mixture of 0.5 ppb PFOS and 0.5 ppb PFHxS throughout metamorphosis. Responses measured included survival, mass, SVL, SMI, PFAS body burdens, and BCFs.

Amphibian ecotoxicology Forestry and Natural Resources PFAS PFHxS PFOS

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Results 1 - 10 of 134