subject: Forestry and Natural Resources
Megan Heller Haas
Ronald F. Turco
Sara Peel
Water quality data collected from the Lafayette area watershed in 2012. There are three samples sites located on Little Pine Creek, Elliot Ditch, Little Wea Creek and two sites on the Wabash River.
Agronomy Algae Ammonia Crop Science Discharge Dissolved Oxygen Elliot Ditch Enterococci Escherichia coli Flow Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Lafayette Little Pine Creek Little Wea Creek Orthophosphate pH Soil Science Specific Conductivity Temperature Total Coliforms Turbidity Wabash River Water Quality Watershed
Carey Knight , Jeffrey Tyson , Michael Thomas , Stephen Chong , Thomas Lauer , Tomas Hook , Zachary S Feiner
An analysis of maturation schedules of yellow perch in the Laurentian Great Lakes revealed rapid evolution in response to changes in commercial harvest.
Ecology Evolution Fisheries Forestry and Natural Resources Life History Yellow Perch
Time series discharge ("_datum"), precipitation ("_Prec") and water quality ("_XXX") data for four sites. Each site/parameter is in its own .csv file.
Forestry and Natural Resources mitigation factor stormwater control measures urban hydrology
Andrew Liebhold
Samuel Ward
Songlin Fei
Analysis of spread by emerald ash borer in the contiguous USA.
agrilus Forestry and Natural Resources fraxinus insect non-native planipennis spread
Raptor habitat selection in cover-cropped agroecosystems of west-central Indiana and the influence of definitions of availability on habitat models.
American Kestrel Buteo Jamaicensis Cover Crops Falco Sparverius Forestry and Natural Resources Indiana Red-tailed Hawk Resource Selection Function Row-crop Agroecosystems RStudio Use-availability
Akane O. Abbasi
Alejandro Salazar
Irfan Rashid
Jeffrey S. Dukes
Jianghanyang Li
Maria del Rosario Uribe
Sabine Reinsch
Youmi Oh
We collected 16 meta-analyses published prior to April 2019 that examined soil responses to manipulated precipitation changes. This is the data of these meta-analyses, including effect sizes, confidence intervals, and sample sizes of 42 soil...
Carbon Cycle Climate Change Forestry and Natural Resources Meta-analysis Nitrogen Phosphorus Cycle Precipitation Change Soil Ecology Soil Emissions
We recorded soil greenhouse gas emissions and soybean growth in a field experiment where precipitation intensity was manipulated and biochar was added during the growing season of 2017.
biochar Forestry and Natural Resources Greenhouse Gas Emissions precipitation manipulation Soil Emissions Soybean
Jason T. Hoverman
Sophia Brown
Wes Flynn
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Perfluoroalkyl substances increase susceptibility of northern leopard frog tadpoles to trematode infection" by Brown et al. published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry.
Amphibian contaminants of emerging concern Disease Ecology Forestry and Natural Resources Parasite perfluoroalkyl substances wetlands
Chloe de Perre
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda Lee
Maria S. Sepúlveda
Mike Iacchetta
Wes Flynn
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Chronic PFAS-exposure under environmentally relevant conditions delays development in northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) larvae" by Flynn et al. published in Environmental Toxicology &...
Amphibian aquatic toxicology bioaccumulation Forestry and Natural Resources multiple exposure routes PFOA PFOS
Chloe de Perre
Jason T. Hoverman
Linda S. Lee
Maria Sepulveda
Michael Iacchetta
Sarah Abercrombie
Wesley Flynn
These data correspond to a paper entitled "Sublethal effects of dermal exposure to poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances on post-metamorphic amphibians" by Abercrombie et al. published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
anurans bioaccumulation body burden Forestry and Natural Resources growth PFAS salamanders
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Results 121 - 130 of 134